Developing Your Spiritual Potential
By developing your spiritual potential, you will reap an abundance of practical benefits. The Trail to Tranquility will show you how your life can...

Introduction (continued)
By developing your spiritual potential, you will reap an abundance of practical benefits. The Trail to Tranquility will show you how your life can become vastly more successful, in every measure, simply by overcoming anger and achieving greater peace of mind. From years of direct experience with my clients, I can point to a number of significant improvements in the quality of their lives:
Happiness. The pursuit of happiness is a basic human right. But, how many people do you know who are truly content and at peace with themselves? Anger is the enemy of happiness, because you can't be angry and happy at the same time. Anger impairs the pursuit of happiness, enslaves us, and thereby limits our freedom. Once you start to develop your spiritual potential, you will reduce the anger in your life and make room for real happiness.
Improved Appearance. True inner peace is radiant: no makeup in the world can give you the serene, luminous aura that a tranquil mind bestows.
Improved Physical Health. Research conclusively shows that the more we eradicate anger from our lives, the less we suffer from a great range of common health problems. For example, anger-prone individuals suffer 300% more heart attacks than people with low levels of anger[1], and they have 75% higher incidence of coronary artery disease[2]. The risk of stroke in angry people is also 50% higher[3].
Better Mental Health. By ridding ourselves of anger, we remove the anxiety and frustration that cause depression. Anger-prone people are nervous, jumpy, and rarely relax. Excessive wear and tear on the nervous system cripples both personal performance and quality of life. Once we free ourselves of anger, we feel calmer, happier, and more successful.
Improved Clarity of Thought, Judgment, and Decision-making. Anger causes a contraction of blood flow to the brain, as well as a surge of hormones; both phenomena hamper clear thinking and encourage instinctive reactions that are detrimental to rational decision-making.
Greater Personal Effectiveness. When your thinking, judgment, and powers of decision-making are enhanced, you become more efficient, and enjoy a higher level of success in everything you do.
Higher Utilization of Potential. The more effective we are, the more opportunity we have to express and to utilize our potential. The more we free ourselves from anger, the more we are at liberty to tap our vast mental reserves.
Increased Popularity. People naturally gravitate to anger-free people, and seek their company.
Better Relationships. Anger is public enemy number one to interpersonal relationships, since it destroys communication. Good relationships are built on effective communication. Nothing improves communication like an anger-free relationship.
Better Income. When you're competing with a co-worker for a promotion – and your skills are equal – the better personality will land the better position. Often, well-liked tranquil people do better than angry colleagues with superior professional skills.
Heightened Spiritual Sensitivity. The human spirit is housed in the brain. Anger's inhibition of basic mental functions completely neutralizes one's potential for spiritual cognizance. Spiritual cognizance is the quality that makes humans superior to other creatures.
Better Overall Performance. Only an anger-free existence can assure optimal cooperation and functioning of the body, the mind, and the spirit. The more we mobilize all three, the better our overall performance in whatever we do.
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At this point, you may be asking yourself, "Can my life really improve for the better?" The answer is a simple yes. Emotions come from the soul. The soul is part of the human mind, and thrives on spirituality. Spiritual development is therefore a requisite for peace of mind. This book is basic, comprehensible four-segment plan of spiritual development to help you achieve the goal that everyone dreams of – inner peace.
Segment One of The Trail to Tranquility includes the first three chapters, and illustrates the different relative levels of anger, the causes of anger, and the damages of anger. Segment Two – chapter four – is a program to enhance our spiritual awareness. Segment Three – chapters five through eight – shows us how to make peace with God, with our fellow man, and with ourselves. Segment Four – the final two chapters – is our personal trail to lasting happiness and spiritual gratification.
We're about to take our first steps up The Trail to Tranquility. You'll see my footprints all over the trail – I've been hiking it for several decades now. As your guide, companion, and friend, just as I have been for many people before you, it's now my greatest pleasure and profound privilege to take you along.
To be continued . . .
(The Trail to Tranquility is available in the Breslev Store.)
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[1] 1996 study published in Circulation magazine.
[2] 1998 study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
[3] Psychosomatic Medicine Journal, 1998.
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