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Periodically, most people succumb to temporary melancholy or depression, especially after a fall. A sad or depressed person is a spiritually...

We continue with the inquiries of people who strive for emotional and spiritual improvement.
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We conclude with the inquiries of people who strive for emotional and spiritual improvement.
Question Number Five: How do I deal with periodic melancholy or depression?
We’ve already answered this question in the previous question, but let’s reiterate.
Periodically, most people succumb to temporary melancholy or depression, especially after a fall. A sad or depressed person is a spiritually neutralized individual, tantamount to a dead person. Dead people are ritually impure. Therefore, excessive contact with sad and depressed people can be very detrimental for our own emotional and spiritual health. Our evil inclination likes to keep us sad and depressed, because that way, our souls are enclosed in a spiritual darkness, far away from the Almighty’s Divine light.
Who isn’t fond of a new car, a new dress, a new house, or new and exciting experiences? We all love nuances, because they rejuvenate our souls and add interest to our lives. Have you ever seen a camera enthusiast depressed while reading the owner’s manual of his or her prized new high-performance digital camera? Of course, not! The moment we feel the taste of melancholy or depression, we should declare a new beginning in life. The following are a few examples of new beginnings:
* Decide to improve your stamina, exercising and/or walking for an hour a day, and talking to God while you walk.
* Decide to implement the one-week plan for more spiritual gain.
* Decide to learn a new hobby.
* Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to make new resolutions – make them today!
As we mentioned earlier, new beginnings destroy sadness and depression, as well as the boredom of a gray routine. The cheerfulness of a fresh spiritual start will keep you young, healthy, and cheerful.
Once you declare a new beginning, don’t ever delve into the past. Draw a line, and erase unpleasant memories from your cognizance as easily as you’d press the “delete” button on your computer. The more we live a vivacious present, the less we focus on an unhappy past. Remember, the past is out of our control; but, God gives us the power to make the best out of the present. Wasting precious time and emotional energy in doling about the past ruins the present and kills chances for a happy future.
Whatever you do when the gray cloud of depression appears before your eyes, don’t reach for that bottle of pills that the drug company has been trying to sell you! Many of the licensed and authorized drug companies are none other than narcotics dealers in three-piece herringbone suits. If you stick to the lessons in this book, you won’t be depressed and you won’t need to be spending your money and your health on “uppers” with a fancy clinical name.
Question Number Six: How do I know if I’ve reached the top?
(Imagine that at this very moment, we reach the peak of Mount Patience, eight thousand feet above sea level. We’re breathing hard, our lungs feel like they’re burning, and every muscle in our arms and legs seems to scream in exertion. Yet, we’re thrilled with our accomplishment and filled with a glow of joy that warms our insides. We’ve just completed an eighteen-mile hike up a challenging trail. Neither grizzly bears nor falling rocks have discouraged us. We have succeeded.
The magnificent view and the indescribable sense of being on top of the world completely neutralize our bodily pain. We feel the power of our spirit overcoming our bodies, and literally overwhelmed; we feel at unity with all of creation.)
When you feel your body becoming a servant to your soul, and your soul feels an awesome and loving oneness with God, then you’ve reached a new peak in life. Congratulations, partner. You’ve just entered the threshold of lasting happiness. Arriving at the right destination means that you’ve been hiking up the right trail, because the trail to tranquility leads to lasting happiness.
The more you continue to provide your soul with what it needs, the deeper you’ll feel that lasting happiness. Genuine happiness is your lasting possession that no one can ever take from you.
Where do we go from here?
Spirituality, even more than mountain climbing, knows no limits. Since God is limitless, our spirits – the tiny spark of God within each and every one of us – knows no bounds. Our task in life is to strive for never-ending spiritual gain. Not even the sky limits us. Therefore, the peaks of tomorrow are loftier than our personal peaks of today.
You now possess the tools to achieve genuine inner peace. Soon, you’ll be guiding your friends and family up the trail to tranquility. The 21st Century needs more people like you. Keep up the great work, and continue to cultivate that exquisite soul of yours. Don’t ever forget that the body is temporary, but the soul is eternal. Don’t discard eternal happiness for a few short-lived cheap thrills.
Now, put your personal flag atop the mountain. May the Almighty fulfill all your heart’s wishes for the very best, cherished friend.
Back in the allegorical world, the crimson sun is dipping into the bluish hue of the western horizon. Isaac and Jerry, slowly bobbing in their straw rockers like two flickering candles, are sharing an intimate moment together. Jerry breaks the silence.
“Isaac, how long can you go on like this? You and Rebecca aren’t getting any younger. The two of you are still baking the bread, milking the goats, and handling the inn all by yourselves.”
“As long as the Almighty gives us strength…”
“But why don’t you retire? Why don’t you find a cozy little apartment with maid service in town? I’ll help you sell the inn and the farmstead. Whenever you miss the mountain air, you both can come and stay with me.”
“That’s kind of you, Jerry, but what happens if tomorrow morning, somebody comes walking up my driveway, looking for the trail to tranquility? Maybe that person is a potential spiritual giant! Nope, I can’t leave Mount Patience; I’m an old soldier in the Almighty’s army, and the inn and this mountain are my post. Besides, old soldiers never die…”
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The Old Isaac in my heart teaches me that each of our homes should be an “Old Isaac’s Inn” – a haven of hospitality, tranquility, and brotherly love. Not only that, but each of our hearts should be a way station of good will, open to our fellow human, who like us, was created in God’s image.
Once we reach the level of tranquility within, we emanate the light of peace and tranquility to the outside world. If enough of us follow the time-proven trail to tranquility – together – we can be the fulcrum that moves the world.
Real spirituality, as we’ve learned, is hard work. You, my dear friend, can no longer be fooled by fad spirituality and fancy parlor words that don’t make a real change in your life for the better.
Would you like to help a friend?
If a person does a material favor for you – let’s say, he or she loans you one hundred dollars – then you have to return the favor to the giver, and in the case at hand, repay the one hundred dollars. Spiritual favors don’t work like that; rather than returning a spiritual favor, pass it on to a friend in need. You most certainly have friends or relatives in need of some happiness and peace of mind. Tell them about this book. Share your experiences with them, and offer a helping spiritual hand.
The next time we meet, you will probably be taking other people up the trail to tranquility. I wish you success and fulfillment from the bottom of my heart. Godspeed.
Thank you for the wonderful moments we shared with each other.
Your friend always,
Lazer Brody
(The Trail to Tranquility is available in the Breslev Store.)
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