"Mitzvah" - (pl. "Mitzvot"); a Command of G-d. There are several types, including the following...

Seven Commands of the “Sons of “Noach”/Noah (refers to all of humanity because the entire human race descended, according to the Torah, from the survivors of the Great Flood, the “Mabul.”) These commands are presumably “built into” the soul or conscience of the human being. The seven commands are:
a. Not to engage in the practice of idol-worship
b. Not to “Bless (euphemism for “curse”) the Divine Name
c. Not to Murder
d. Not to engage in Sexual Transgressions
e. Not to engage in Theft
f. To Establish a System of Courts for the Administration of Justice
g. Not to eat a limb torn from a live animal (against cruelty to animals)
Six hundred thirteen Commands of the Torah, binding upon the Jewish People, including:
a. Two hundred forty eight Positive Commands (for example: “You shall eat Matzot for seven days” – (“Shemot”/Exodus 12:15) and “Honor your father and your mother” (Ibid. 20:12)) and
b. Three hundred sixty five Negative Commands (for example: “You shall not murder” (Ibid. 20:13) and “You shall not curse a deaf person and You shall not put a stumbling block in the path of a blind person.” (“Vayikra”/Leviticus 19:14))
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