Onion and Cheese Kugel
This recipe is not difficult to prepare and you do not have to be an onion lover to enjoy the onion and cheese kugel. Delicious!

Preparation time: an hour and a half
Level of Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Kashrut Type: Dairy
You don’t have to be an onion lover to enjoy this pie, which comes out of the oven golden and fragrant, spreading aromas that are hard to resist. And it’s not even hard to prepare!
This pie will make you cry twice – once when you cut the onion, and a second time when you taste it. It has a pleasant taste of fried onions, with a delicate sweetness, and its texture is just great.
Unlike other onion dishes, the intense flavor of the raw onion is softened through the pre-frying which in combination with the eggs and cheeses is also responsible for the firm texture. For frying, use a large, flat pot (possibly wok).
This is a fun addition to any dairy meal, and with the addition of a salad it can be a light meal in itself.
(For a 20×30 cm mold)
7-8 large onions
½ cup oil
6 eggs (7 if small)
400 g cottage (container and a half)
120 grams of flour (a little more than 3/4 cup)
1 teaspoon wiped baking powder
200 grams of yellow cheese
50 grams of Parmesan
1 ½ teaspoons salt
black pepper
butter to lubricate the mold
1. Chop the onions into small cubes. Fry in a large pot over medium heat in half a cup of oil, stirring, until the onion begins to turn golden brown. If there is liquid in the pot, reduce the heat and let it evaporate.
2. Transfer to a large bowl. Leave about half a cup of onion in the pot and fry until browned. Add to bowl. Let the onion cool for a few minutes.
3. Add the cottage cheese, flour, and baking powder, and then mix. Add the hard cheeses, and then mix well.
4. Add the eggs, salt, and black pepper to taste. Mix well.
5. Grease the baking pan with butter. Transfer the batter to the pan. Place on the low shelf in a preheated oven at 180°C degrees for 40-45 minutes.
6. When the pie is nicely golden, remove. Refrigerate for 15-30 minutes before serving (time is needed for the pie to set). You can reheat if desired.
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Shuki Galili has been marketing online and has been editing the Humus101 blog for the masses since 2006. He has served in editorial roles and as a reporter for technology and food in the daily press, news sites, and print. He is one of the founding generations of the Internet in Israel and has been involved in the establishment, development and promotion (SEO) of dozens of websites and blogs, many of them related to social activity.
Would love to be able to print out your yummy recipes and make them for the holidays.
Thank you.