Potato Boats Stuffed with Cheese

A recipe for potato boats stuffed with cheese - especially delicious and easy to make. Here's a dish that all the neighbors will want!

3 min

Shuki Galili

Posted on 16.05.24

Preparation Time: 15 minutes + hour  

Level of Difficulty: Easy-Medium 

Kashrut Type: Dairy 



This is an enhanced version of a classic recipe that you have probably come across more than once before. What makes it especially tasty is the combination of the cheeses, fried onions and herbs. 


This is a simple dish to prepare, and with the addition of a good vegetable salad will turn into a light, enjoyable, and satisfying dairy meal. It can, of course, also be used as a supplement. The  particularly delightful aromas that waft out of your kitchen while baking are the kind that makes neighbors want to be your friends. 


Contrary to many people’s beliefs, even though some of the ingredients are high in fat, this is a not very fattening dish: about 100 calories per serving. 




(For 4-6 portions) 


1 kg of beautiful, small-medium potatoes (8-10), preferably of the white type and of a more or less uniform size 

2 liters of water + 2 tablespoons of salt 

1 small onion 

100 grams of yellow cheese (you can replace some with kashkabal, parmesan, or other cheese) 

80 grams of Bulgarian cheese 

½ container (100 ml) 27% sour cream 

3-4 heaping tablespoons finely chopped herbs (parsley, dill, and possibly fresh oregano with yeast) 

Salt, black pepper, oil 




1. Rinse and scrub the potatoes well in their skins. Transfer to a saucepan with 2 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of salt, boil and cook until the potatoes are almost completely softened (15-25 minutes, depending on the stove and the size of the potatoes). Set aside to cool. 


2. Chop the onion, and then fry until nicely browned.  


3. Grate the yellow cheese on a fine grater. If the Bulgarian cheese is hard enough, scrape it as well. If it is soft, mash it with a fork. Finely chop the herbs. 


4. After the potatoes have cooled a bit (but still slightly warm), cut them in half lengthwise and drain the inside with a spoon. Leave a margin of about half an inch or a little more. 



5. Mash the inside of the potatoes with a fork or mashed potatoes. Add the fried onions, cheeses, chopped herbs and sour cream and mix well. 


6. Fill the potato boats with the mixture so that it stands out a little above each boat (you will have about 100 grams of unnecessary filling left. You can add an egg and fry the pancakes, or add to the next pie you make). 


6. Pour oil into a baking pan so that it covers its bottom with a layer of one mm. Transfer the potato boats to the pan and drizzle or spray a little oil over. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for about 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Remove and bake without Cover for another 10-15 minutes until nicely golden, wait about 10 minutes and serve (caution, it’s hot!). 





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Shuki Galili has been marketing online and has been editing the Humus101 blog for the masses since 2006. He has served in editorial roles and as a reporter for technology and food in the daily press, news sites, and print. He is one of the founding generations of the Internet in Israel and has been involved in the establishment, development and promotion (SEO) of dozens of websites and blogs, many of them related to social activity. 

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