The Biggest Shabbat of the Year
Shabbat Hagadol: This coming Shabbat is called “The Great Shabbat” for a good reason! This Shabbat, you can merit huge miracles and wonders!
Editor’s Update: This article was written during the Coronavirus epidemic. Although that period is behind us, we can apply the same teaching to the war in the Gaza strip.
The world is filled with fear right now. Everyone is asking me: What is going to be?
Within the fear and the chaos, Coronavirus is doing wonderful things for the world in general, and the Jewish people in particular (I speak about this more in my article No Fear of Corona).
Shabbat – if you won’t keep it voluntarily, now Hashem is going to make you keep it! It’s a wonder of wonders! Everything is closed this Shabbat! Who was able to do this before? You cannot imagine what kind of sins it is for the Jewish people, that people are breaking Shabbat openly, stores are open, etc. It is as if you are saying that there is no God, G-d forbid! Coronavirus has done what no one could do!
So keep Shabbat in your house too – how simple is it to set up a hot plate, and just don’t turn on anything! One who guards the Shabbat – Hashem guards him! Even if you keep Shabbat, do a little more this week – bring in Shabbat early, sing more, have some special treats this week. If all of the Jewish people will keep even one Shabbat – the Redemption will come with mercy!
On Shabbat we sing a song that says: “He who guards the Shabbat, God guards him!” This is absolutely true! There is also a very true saying: More than the Jewish people have guarded the Shabbat, the Shabbat has guarded the Jewish people! (You can read more inspirational stories about Shabbat in our Shabbat category).
The point of the fear in the world is not to drive people crazy or have a nervous breakdown. God is bringing this fear into the world that people should channel it into fear of God – fear of Heaven (yirat Hashem). As I mentioned, we have nothing to fear – except fear itself. It is the fear itself that gives power to the Other Side, and makes a person susceptible to Corona. Someone who is filled with trust and belief in Hashem, is with Hashem, literally – and when you are with Hashem, you are totally guarded by Hashem.
Baruch Hashem, a lot of people are taking on more mitzvot and especially keeping Shabbat because of Corona! Ken yirbu – it should continue!
Another important aspect of keeping Shabbat is Kabbalistic. Every mitzvah (or G-d forbid sin) that you do creates an angel. Just like us, the angel has a head, arms, legs, etc. Depending on the happiness and desire that the person has at the time they do the mitzvah (or the desire and enjoyment of the sin), the angel is created more or less strong and complete.
During the week, the chitzonim – external or bad forces of the Other Side – suck the power out of the feet of the mitzvot of the Jewish people. Now, the angels have no feet – and therefore they cannot stand, and they cannot come before God.
However, on Shabbat, these forces are forced to vomit out all the holiness that they stole. The feet are returned to these angels, and all of the mitzvot that the entire Jewish people performed during that entire week are brought before God. What happiness and enjoyment Hashem receives from every single mitzvah, even done without perfection, and even by the lowest of the Jewish people!!!
Every single Jew is filled with mitzvot, just like the pomegranate, which in every single variety has 613 seeds, like the 613 commandments. It’s a real shame, because even someone who seems secular is really doing lots of mitzvot every day – they just need to keep Shabbat in order for the mitzvot to come before God to enjoy them…
There is no time like this Shabbat to join the bandwagon. This Shabbat is Shabbat HaGadol – the “Great Shabbat” – the Shabbat before Passover. Already Hashem started the miracles in Egypt on this Shabbat for the Jewish people, before they left Egypt at dawn on the first day of Passover. This Shabbat, it is possible to bring down huge miracles and wonders!
If you already keep Shabbat BH, send this article to other friends who don’t! Strengthen your own observance, start learning the laws of Shabbat in depth, sing more, or prepare a special delicacy to make Shabbat special.
It’s a great way to start the new program I want to spread to the entire world – every single day, do 18 special things for the Jewish people, or a Jew in particular. I want you to make sure that you find some way to do 18 good things, and write them down!
For instance, you can send this article to 18 friends. Even a good joke or something that will make people happy – tell it over to some friends or family. Praying for the Jewish people to be healed and learn emuna and come close to God should be the first item in the list every single day – for at least 30 minutes, preferably for an hour or more. See if you can do a chessed (something nice) for someone else. Whatever you can do!
Even more, this Shabbat is a great time to set aside some time to pray that the entire world should come to daat – holy knowledge – of Hashem. Everything is ready! We have books, pamphlets, CDs and more in many languages. With the communication technology in our days, we can reach the entire world in no time, and with the printing technology available today, we can print even more in short order. Never before was such a thing possible – to teach the entire world emuna and truth in no time!
I want thousands of people to join with me, every single day, to pray that Hashem should open everyone’s minds to want to learn emuna and truth. This is a special time – in Nissan the Jewish people were redeemed, and in Nissan the Jewish people will be redeemed.
We can literally bring the final Redemption now! It is in our hands – the only thing lacking is to PRAY FOR IT!!!
The reality is that Passover is coming, and everyone is busy preparing – besides dealing with Corona. But on Shabbat, all the work stops. Use that special time to pray with me for Mashiach with mercy. Do whatever you can that more people should keep Shabbat, and keep Shabbat more than they did before.
And God willing already this year, we should be joining together in the rebuilt Holy Temple on Erev Passover to bring the Passover sacrifice!
It’s really possible – let’s make it happen together with Shabbat, with ahavat Yisrael (love between Jews), spreading emuna and prayer!
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