“waze” for Life

Life is a gigantic maze. You can’t hope to know all of the delays along your route – you need Waze to tell you how to arrive at your destination as fast and safely as possible.

4 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 07.07.24

David called his wife from the office with his usual, “I’ll be home in 10 minutes.” The same short drive home from the office – he didn’t even bother to turn on Waze. But as he turned onto the main road, he realized that he had made a big mistake. There had been a gigantic accident with a truck overturned, and he was unable to move for 45 minutes. If he had checked with Waze, it would have recommended a bypass route, still getting him home only a few minutes later than expected… 


Shlomo was also on his way home. He turned on Waze, but it told him to take a long roundabout route. “These stupid devices. What kind of recommended route is that?!” he thought to himself. He ignored the automatic advice and went the direct route which he was familiar with. He ended up in that same traffic jam... 


Someone Who Sees the Big Picture 

Today, we don’t need any better allegory in order to understand Rebbe Nachman’s piercing words: “If a person goes according to his own thoughts and understanding, he can fall into all sorts of different mistakes and sins, and even become entwined in extremely bad things, God forbid.” 


Recognize that what you see right now, and you think is true and correct – it might turn out that in even a matter of moments, you realize that it was the biggest mistake of your life. This world is extremely misleading. If you rely on your own opinion, you will certainly make serious mistakes. 


It isn’t for naught that the Ramchal used the allegory in The Path of the Just that this world is like a gigantic maze. Inside the maze, it is impossible to know the way, and if the next junction will bring you to success, or another dead end, or worse. But the true tzaddikim – the righteous Sages who are the true spiritual guides of the generation and for all generations – they are above the maze. They look at the big picture from afar in a way that you cannot fathom. They can see a lot more than you can see and understand, and therefore, only they can guide you properly. 


The Information Age 

Each of us has in our pockets an abundance of “information.” We are filled with “advice” on how to achieve whatever we want… but where does it really lead us? Does it truly help you to progress in life? Does it guide you towards fulfilling your unique purpose and mission in this world? Is this a spiritual guide that brings you to perfect emuna in God and correcting yourself? To a life of happiness and tranquility? Absolutely not. 


However, if you had a real spiritual guide – then you are on sure footingYou have access to excellent advice and guidance on every aspect of your life. You would know clearly what direction to take, and the fastest route to get there. There would be no confusions, and no room to make fundamental mistakes in the way you look at your life and your decisions in it. It is hard work to cancel your own will and opinion and follow the guidance of your spiritual guide instead – but the results are well worth the effort. 


Therefore, all of your success in life depends on finding and connecting to a real spiritual guide! In fact, all of Judaism is dependent on the spiritual guide. Without a true leader to show us the way in each generation, it is impossible for the Jewish people to serve Hashem properly. On the flip side, the root of all our suffering and the exile, is the hiddenness and concealment of the true spiritual guide of the generation. 


The Real Question – How to Find Such a Guide? 

Shortly before Rebbe Nachman passed from this world, he commanded his followers: “The truth is that you need to search and really, really pray to find a true spiritual guide like this, and you must request from Hashem over and over, that you should merit to come close to a real spiritual advisor (manhig emiti), in order for you to merit total and complete emuna.” 


However, we see that in our generation, there is so much confusion and hiddenness surrounding who is truly a spiritual advisor and tzaddik the likes of whom Rebbe Nachman is referring to – and who is not.  


Take note that Rebbe Nachman did not tell us to speak to our friends and discuss different Rabbis. This isn’t talk among friends – this is murderous talk! With all due respect, who are you, and who is your friend, to decide and judge? You don’t know the first thing about the person sitting next to you, and certainly not the truth about different Rabbis! All the talk about Rabbis will never, ever lead anyone to truly get close to a real spiritual advisor. Instead of all the wonderful achievements that can come in the wake of finding such a guide, they commit the extremely serious sin of lashon hara (evil speech) and therefore putting serious distance between themselves and the spiritual advisor they need so desperately. 


Think about it this way: You need a spiritual guide because you recognize that you cannot find the truth without one – you cannot rely on your own mind. So then how can you try to rely on your mind to recognize who is that guide?! Could there be bigger foolishness than this?! If you think that you know who is the biggest tzaddik, then you must be the biggest tzaddik of them all… 


Therefore, you must fulfill the command of Rebbe Nachman in its entirety – to search for a spiritual guide with a lot prayer. This is the only way to succeed in your quest! Your biggest desire should be to find this person who can guide you to the true success in life that you so desire, and to constantly pray and beg and plead to Hashem to lead you to this manhig 


However, I can give you a couple general guidelines to finding a true spiritual guide: 

  1. He is not involved in any fighting or strife (machloket). If there is even a suggestion of involvement – run!
  2. He will honor all the different tzaddikim and groups and factions within the Jewish people.
  3. He never speaks lashon hara or badly about any Jew, and certainly not about any Rabbi.
  4. Prays an incredible amount to Hashem. 

Take upon yourself to pray and search for a spiritual guide, and in that merit, may Hashem reveal the true spiritual leaders of our generation, and reveal Mashiach, and redeem us speedily in our days, so that there will never again be exile or a concealment of the true spiritual leaders. 

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