The Emuna of the Baba Sali
The Baba Sali performed miracles and wonders above nature. In his merit, we can request the miracles we so desperately need! Rabbi Arush teaches us how!
This year, the yahrtzeit (date of passing) of the Baba Sali zt”l (Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeirah) comes on Sunday, January 14, 2023.
This year, even more than most years, we need the kind of miracles and wonders above nature that the Baba Sali performed on a regular basis. However, we learn from the Gemara that the tzaddik is even more powerful after his passing from this world! And even if this year we cannot come to his grave site to pray as in previous years, you can still light a candle in his honor, and give some charity in his merit, and request for a free gift in the merit of the Baba Sali.
Don’t forget to first thank Hashem for the tzaddik and all the good that he did in the world. And most importantly – don’t just ask for the physical things that you need, like a good income, healing, to get married or have children, etc. Ask for spirituality!
The Baba Sali’s son-in law, Rav David Yehudioff zt”l, once commented that the Baba Sali repeated over and over, “People are always coming to me asking for their physical needs. I wait for the day when people will come to me and ask me to bless them for spirituality – that Hashem should enable them to be righteous, holy Torah scholars – and not just request for their needs in this world.”
Ask that in the merit of the Baba Sali, you should be happy all the time without fear or anxiety, have perfect emuna, truly thank Hashem with your whole heart and accept your situation with love, and strengthen yourself in personal holiness. Add in whatever spiritual struggles you currently have as well.
If Hashem Wills It, Poison Can Heal
The Baba Sali is famous for his miracle stories. Here is one such story which carries an important message for us:
The Baba Sali was feeling weak for some time. Although he insisted that he was fine, his family insisted that he go to the hospital to get checked. He agreed for their sake, since they were very worried.
At the hospital, all the tests were fine. The family requested to speak with the head of the department before allowing the Baba Sali to be released.
The head of the department arrived. The Baba Sali always drank tea with 6 teaspoons of sugar! He offered the last sip of his tea to the head of the department, who was thrilled to oblige. The head of the department was shocked by the sweetness of the tea. “I’ll bet you have diabetes!” he said. “Let me check – no, we have not yet run that test yet…”
The Baba Sali said to him, “I don’t have diabetes, but you do have diabetes.”
“What, that’s not possible!” the doctor responded. “I just took the test this morning, and it was negative!”
The Baba Sali repeated, “I don’t have diabetes, but you do have diabetes.”
They agreed to take the test at the same time. Lo and behold, the results showed exactly what the Baba Sali said – the doctor had diabetes, and the Baba Sali was fine.
The doctor didn’t believe the results and insisted on running the tests a second time. The results came back the exact same!
“Do you want to be healthy?” asked the Baba Sali. “Yes, very much so!” replied the doctor.
The Baba Sali then requested that his assistant make him another tea with his usual 6 teaspoons of sugar. He took one sip from it, and then told the doctor, “You drink the rest now.”
The doctor freaked out, responding, “What? You want me to drink that tea? That tea is poison for me! It’s dangerous for me to drink it!”
The Baba Sali responded, “Drink, and be healthy!”
Okay, the tzaddik insisted – and the doctor complied and drank the cup of tea.
The Baba Sali then said, “Now, do the test again. You’ll see that you’re completely healthy.”
They did the test on the doctor again, and now – the tests came back negative, with healthy blood sugar levels. The doctor was in awe, “How could it be? I drank that super-sweet tea and now my blood sugar has gone down?!”
The Baba Sali explained, “Know, that when Hashem wants to heal you, then even the sugar that caused the diabetes, can now be used to heal it! Remember that the Creator of the World is the Healer. You have to ask Him to make the treatment successful. And never forget that the Creator, who created nature, can change nature at will, and do what you could never expect.”
Appreciate What You’ve Been Given
There is another story of a young man who was told by his doctors that it was impossible for him to have children. One doctor told him, “Look, according to nature you have no hope. We can’t do anything for you. But why don’t you try going to the Baba Sali? Everyone says he can do miracles, and that’s what you need. Maybe he can help you.”
The man went to the Baba Sali, who invited him to join him for a meal. The Baba Sali handed him a cup of arak (Moroccan liquor) and told him to drink. He drank, and the Baba Sali blessed him that he should have living and enduring children.
The man so believed in the Baba Sali, that he went back to the doctors and ran the same tests again. This time, everything was perfectly normal! And indeed, thank You Hashem, he brought many children into the world.
The man was so grateful to the Baba Sali, that he constantly came to him to say thank you for the miracle he performed on his behalf. He would say, “I am so grateful! What can I do for you?” And indeed, many times the Baba Sali would request to be taken to a holy site to pray, and the man would happily oblige.
You Must Believe!
Recognize that the key to receiving the miracles you are requesting – is that you must believe! When you come to pray at the resting place of any tzaddik, or in his merit, you must really believe that the tzaddik is going to do a miracle for you! You must believe that he is indeed blessing you, and you must believe in his blessing. Recognize that emunat chachamim, believing in the power of the tzaddikim, is the key to receiving the miracles you want!
Emuna in Hashem
The Baba Sali was very strong in his emuna and belief in Hashem, and he was against anything that reduced people’s singular dependence on G-d.
The Ben Ish Chai said that in our generation right before Mashiach, there won’t be tzaddikim who will do outright and open miracles anymore, like the Baba Sali did. That is because Hashem wants us to believe in Him directly, without the “crutch” of open miracles.
Therefore, be strong in your emuna! Whatever you’re going through, be strong in your emuna! Recognize that you’re in the hands of the Creator of the World, who loves you and is doing everything for your eternal best. Say thank You with your whole heart – not because deep down you want things to change, but because deep down, you know that if Hashem Who only wants the best for you has chosen this circumstance, clearly, it is for some best that you can’t yet see.
Saying thank You is the strongest emuna there is.
May it be Hashem’s will that in the merit of the Baba Sali, his merit should protect us, that all of us should have miracles and healing, and the Redemption should come with mercy, without suffering. Amen, may it be His will!
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