Exercise 6: Discover Your True Self

In this exercise, we focus on the fact that our real, deep inner will is only to do good, to be good, and to come closer to Hashem.

1 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 04.07.24

Don’t forget the foundation of these spiritual exercises – Happiness is the basis of everything! Emuna cannot exist while in a state of sadness. Happiness is becoming close to Hashem, while sadness is leaving Hashem. 


Pray to know that you are inherently good, and that the bad (ra) comes from the Yetzer HaRA. It isn’t the real you.


Ask yourself – really and truly, do you want to do good, or bad? When you sin – did you mean to do something terrible, really?


The answer for each and every one of us is the same – we are created in God’s image with a Godly soul, which means that we are intrinsically good. Therefore, our real, deep inner will is only to do good and to be good, and to come closer to our source, which is God.


The daily prayer schedule is as follows: 

  1. Pray for 2 minutes each on Exercises 1-4 (8 minutes total)
  2. Another 10 minutes on this concept, asking God to enable you to connect to your true, good will, and see this good point in ourselves – truly, the biggest good point that each and every one of us possesses – and to really KNOW that the bad in you, or that you do, isn’t your true self, isn’t your real essence.
  3. Now continue with the 15 minutes on your one thing you are working on from Exercise 5. 

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