Crembo: Chocolate-covered Marshmallow on a Cookie

Any kid raised in Israel will tell you they grew up on Crembo. This recipe will show you how to make these delicacies completely from scratch.

2 min

JamieGeller .com

Posted on 23.05.24

In Hebrew, קרמבו‎ means “cream in it”. Crembo typically marks the winter season in Israel, as it replaces the more common ice pops during the hotter months.  They are usually wrapped individually in colored foil, but there is nothing like making this Israeli dessert yourself. 


Cooking Time: 25 minutes 

Preparation Time: 30 minutes 

Level of Difficulty: Easy – Moderate

Kashrut Type: Parve (but can be dairy) 




Recipe yields 15 cookies 

Cookie base 

4 ounces unsalted butter (110 grams or ½ cup) or vegan butter 

⅓ cup powdered sugar 

1 egg yolk 

tsp. vanilla extract 

Tbsp. milk or non-dairy milk 

1½ cups all-purpose flour 


Marshmallow filling 

⅔ cup white sugar 

½ cup water 

2 large egg whites 


Chocolate coating 

8 ounces semi-sweet chocolate 

½ cup coconut oil 




  1. Preheat oven to 350℉ / 175℃. 

  1. In a large bowl, mash the butter with the powdered sugar. 

  1. Add the egg yolk, vanilla extract, milk and flour. Mix until a dough forms. Use your hands to shape it into a block. Wrap in plastic and place in fridge for 20 mins.

  1. Roll out the dough and cut out circles about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Place on nonstick baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes until slightly golden. Re-roll out the unused dough into new circles. After baking let cool on wire rack. 

5. For the marshmallow filling, add the sugar and water to a pot. Watch the temperature with a candy thermometer. On medium heat, stir often and be careful not to let the sugar burn.

  1. When it hits 220℉/104℃, beat the 2 egg whites in a large bowl until very fluffy. When the sugar water hits 243℉/117℃, pour it slowly into the egg whites. Whip the mixture until it stiffens up and looks like marshmallow. 

  2. Spoon the “marshmallow” mixture into a plastic bag. Cut a small corner off of the bottom of the bag. This bag now becomes a tool to pipe the marshmallow mixture onto the cookies. 


  1. For the chocolate coating, melt the chocolate and add the coconut oil. Mix well.  

Tip: every brand’s chocolate and coconut oil are different, so after you melt the chocolate, add the coconut oil one tablespoon at a time until it drips off a spoon smoothly and quickly. 

  1. Pour over the marshmallow topping on each cookie. It helps to use a spoon. If the marshmallow is really stuck onto  the cookie, you can also dip it into the chocolate. 

  1. Carefully move the crembos onto a clean tray. Allow about an hour to cool or place in the fridge before serving.  


Jamie Geller is one of the most sought-after Jewish food and lifestyle experts worldwide. She is the bestselling author of 5 books and founder of Kosher Network International, publisher of featuring more than 10,000 recipes, articles, and videos.  Check out her new #1 Amazon Bestseller, Brisket 101 and her new family meal plan “Fresh Families” at 

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