A Clean Slate
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we close out the books for the old year, and start new books for the coming year, so that we start the year with a clean slate.

Shalom, hello everyone.
Imagine to yourself that someone comes into this world, and for 120 years serves Hashem. After 120 years he goes upstairs to the Heavenly Court, and then they judge him for all 120 years of his life together. Terrifying.
So, what did G-d do? He broke up 120 years into pieces. Every year between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we close out the accounting books for the old year, and start new books for the coming year.
There is no connection from one year to the next. Just literally starting a new page.
So, someone who repents every year during this time period, cleans the table. He clears everything. How good is Hashem! So now you start the new year on a new page, with a clean slate.
And after 120 years, the Heavenly Court judges us only from the last Rosh Hashanah, until the time the person left this world. They only judge us on this.
Therefore, strengthen yourself to return in teshuva, to repent, to regret, and especially to ask Hashem to help you to do better in this next new year. You repent – all of your sins are forgiven!
What does it mean “to repent, to do teshuva?” Shuvu el Hashem – return unto your G-d. Speak to G-d!
Simply speak to Hashem. Tell G-d, “Master of the World, my Father in Heaven. We’re only human. I sinned, I transgressed, I failed, I did this and that. Please forgive me. I want to come close to You – please bring me close.”
As I have said many times, just simply speak to Hashem. This is especially true if there is a particular point where you have difficulty, and you know that you have regular issues with a particular sin or mistake. Just speak to G-d with simple words, and Hashem forgives you for all your sins!
And you come into Rosh Hashanah totally clean! You come to the judgment and the judges say, “What do we need to judge him for? Everything’s good!”
Hashem should enable everyone to do teshuva, and Hashem should give us a good, sweet year and write us and seal us for good.
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