Repentance from Love
Rabbi Arush explains how simple it is to return to Hashem, Who not only doesn’t punish you in return, but even rewards you…

Shalom to everyone.
People ask me: What is teshuva? What does it mean to return to Hashem?
How am I supposed to do that?
It’s so easy!
You cannot understand how much G-d loves you and how sweet the Torah is. Think about how G-d is so very merciful.
People sin, and create a lot of destruction in the entire world. People do very terrible, awful things.
After whatever you did – admit the truth. I sinned, I transgressed, I was tempted, I failed, I made a mistake. Now, I feel regret for what I did, and I am asking for forgiveness.
Imagine someone who comes before a judge. The judge asks him, “You admit that you did this and that?” The person says, “Your Honor, I feel so terrible about what I did. I am begging forgiveness and apologizing with my whole heart and soul. I accept upon myself that I am never going to do it again!” He stands in front of the judge with tears pouring down his face.
The judge responds, “I see that you have regret, but you still have to be punished for what you did. I am going to send you to a social worker, and we’ll see what we can do to reduce the punishment…
Only the Creator of the World, Who is all good and all merciful, He knows who we are and He understands our lusts and Evil Inclination. If you who request forgiveness from G-d – G-d forgives you immediately! And not only do you not get the original punishment – now you receive REWARD!
What are we rewarded for?
For the fact that we did teshuva – repentance. Teshuva is a mitzvah!
And if the person repented from love, then in addition, all of his sins become merits!
Therefore, strengthen yourself to speak with Hashem every day!
Say to Hashem, “I did this and that, please forgive me for this, please help me to do better in the future. Give me the ability to overcome my Evil Inclination.”
The Good Inclination that we have – is prayer! Prayer means your own personal prayer in your own words. If you are not engaging in personal prayer (hitbodedut), then you just have an Evil Inclination, and no Good Inclination!
It should be G-d’s will that everyone should begin to believe in Hashem, and speak to Hashem. And then everyone will have a Good Inclination, and repent completely, amen!
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