Your Soulmate – Guaranteed!
Rabbi Arush has a personal guarantee to anyone who wants to get married – just do this one thing, and you’ll have your soulmate! Guaranteed!
Rabbi Arush recently explained an incredible segula for those who want to get married. Rebbe Nachman explains in Likutei Moharan that someone who prepares himself properly for marriage – G-d sends him his wife.
Based on this teaching, Rabbi Arush guaranteed – he said “It’s 100%!” – that any man who will start learning The Garden of Peace – really learn it in depth, pray about it, use it as a workbook (not just flip through in one day) – Hashem will send him his soulmate! He said, “I hope I can make this same promise for women [since Rebbe Nachman specifically discusses this concept with regards to men]. With Hashem’s help, for women too! But for men, it’s 100%!”
A story from my husband’s friend who distributes Rabbi Arush’s books:
This friend was once distributing books in front of a grocery store in Canada in the Jewish neighborhood. This friend sees a guy in his mid-30’s and starts talking to him. The guy bemoans the fact that he wants to get married and has been looking for a long time. This friend told the guy this promise from Rabbi Arush, and the guy bought the book and agreed to learn it, and work on the teachings contained therein. The guy then continues into the grocery store.
Right then, this oversize 4×4 truck pulls up into the parking lot. An Israeli girl gets out, and she also goes into the grocery store. My husband’s friend, still standing there looking for someone else to give a book to, sees the two of them talk for a minute at the shopping carts, and then each go into the store.
Sometime later, the guy runs into this friend of my husband again and says, “Man, you don’t know what happened! I walked away from you carrying the book, and into the grocery store. I ran into this Israeli girl at the shopping carts. We started talking, we started dating, and now we just got married! THANK YOU!”
Instant salvation! All he did was buy the book and committed himself to really learn it, and already Hashem sent him his soul mate!
Rabbi Arush also explained in a different class that we are all Hashem’s children. That means that you want to marry one of Hashem’s daughters! Well, every prospective father in law wants a guy who is going to be good to his daughter. Oh yes. So, once you start learning and working on what Rabbi Arush writes in The Garden of Peace, you are showing Hashem that you are going to be good to His daughter, and you are willing to learn how to be a good husband to her. Oh ho – now Hashem is ready to give her to you!
One more aside to give some more hope to the gals out there: When I started editing Women’s Wisdom – The Garden of Peace for Women, I was a recent divorcee who was struggling mightily with dating (see my series Dating with Emuna for the whole lowdown). Needless to say, the book was a huge eye opener for me. It was easy to work on it, section by section, since there were often breaks while I waited for the translation to come to me to finalize.
By the time I was finalizing the book, I was already engaged to my husband! Now, the question was what name to write in the introduction – my maiden name, or my married name? Usually, you don’t put anything with the new name on anything permanent until after the wedding, for fear of the evil eye. Rabbi Brody clarified with Rabbi Arush that it was fine to put my new married name into the book, even though the wedding wasn’t for another few weeks…
Just one special request from all you readers – don’t forget to send us your stories!
Update: Rabbi Arush shlita recently told the following story:
Someone came to Rabbi Arush, saying that he had been looking for his soul mate for a very long time. Rabbi Arush told him about this segula, and promised that when he finished learning The Garden of Peace in depth, he would meet his wife.
The man took Rabbi Arush’s advice with simplicity, and started learning the book. When people would ask him, “Any news?” he would reply, “I have X number of pages left in the book.” Indeed, as soon as he finished the book, he met his wife, and they already have children Baruch Hashem (may G-d’s Name be Blessed).
Additional Update:
A student of Rabbi Arush recently told this story to Rabbi Arush during a Q&A session:
I used to go to prisons and give classes and strengthen the inmates. One man told me that he wanted to get married. Not only that, he had many things he wanted in a wife. Granted his current situation and tight requirements, I thought that his chances of finding a wife were basically nil. But I explained to him that he has to learn The Garden of Peace in depth, and he is promised to find his soul mate.
I recently received a phone call from this inmate, that he is currently learning the last chapter of the book. He met a woman by phone, she is in the process of making aliyah and they are engaged!
Rabbi Arush commented that this story is very important, because it shows you just how strong the promise is if you read the book in depth (not just quickly to say you did the segula!) – even in the most difficult situations where it seems impossible to get married, even then this segula works!
Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.
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