Don’t Be a Drunk!
Unfortunately, a lot of people, even those who aren’t alcoholics, acting like drunk people –because they don’t have time for themselves.

A drunk guy is driving. A policeman stops him, and asks him where he is going. He says he is going to the theater. It seems to me that I must have missed the show, because everyone is already going home. The policeman says, “No, you aren’t late for the show. Give me your license!”
Unfortunately, a lot of people, even those who aren’t alcoholics, are still acting like drunk people. Why? They don’t have time for themselves.
They don’t have time to act with thoughtfulness. If you don’t have time for yourself, which means – alone! Alone means – no phones, totally alone. But who are you with? With G-d Himself. Someone who doesn’t have this time – he can’t achieve anything. He can go through his whole life in this world and it’s just a pity – a real shame. He doesn’t have any time to himself. He doesn’t go to his Father in Heaven, and thank Him, and tell the Creator who created him, what he is going through.
We were supposed to deal with the test of the Corona virus in this manner. We needed to find some time in the day to go be alone – on your balcony, or in your backyard, wherever – just alone. And then tell Hashem, “Right now we are all in lock-down in the house together. Help me! Give me the strength to pass this test! Help me to honor my wife, tell me how to work with my kids, help me!
How can you live in this world, without a connection to your Father in Heaven? We’re not talking about the Next World – we’re talking about this world! Everything that you are going through, and all the difficult tests you face… you need Hashem.
So many homes have broken apart during this period. This is why.
Even more so, the wife needs this time. That she has some time to herself with her Father! To thank Him, to tell Him about everything that she is going through, and to get advice from the best Parent in the world. To ask Hashem to help her get through it all, whatever it may be. Every day, with what you are dealing with right now – whether it’s difficulties with income, at work, in everything. Only He can help you!
Just a few words – and you’ll see how your entire life looks different. This is especially true of thanking Hashem. It lights up your life! Puts happiness into this world. Do it for yourself – I ask you to do it for your own sake – to make sure that every day you have this meeting with the King, with your Father in Heaven.
B’hatzlacha – Hashem should give you a lot of success!
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