Pray for Others First
Pray for other people to have that thing that you also want, and watch how God opens the door to answer your prayers too.

Rabbi Arush continues to explain his new campaign: “I Love Everyone!” which is the Slogan of the Redemption.
Do you love Hashem? Do you really love Hashem? Recognize that you cannot say that you love Hashem, if you do not love each and every one of his children! If you cannot say that you truly love every Jew, then you cannot say that you love Hashem. Nothing makes Hashem happier than when you love all of His children.
There are more benefits too. The Gemara says that someone who loves peace and pursues it, and puts peace before all other considerations, inherits both this world and the next world. The Gemara Yerushalmi says that you will have honor in this world, and life in the next world.
Even more, someone who loves peace and says “shalom” when he meets someone (in Hebrew, the word shalom means hello, goodbye, and peace) – G-d Himself says “shalom” back to him! It’s a big mistake when people say “hello” and “bye” [translator’s note – another example of American culture sneaking into Israeli culture, although the accent on the words might make a native English speaker laugh]. Say “shalom”! Say Hashem’s name [one of the names of Hashem is shalom] and remember the name of Hashem! You are saying a holy name.
The Gemara also praises one who specifically works to make sure that he is the one to say shalom to the other first. When you see your friend, try to be the first one to say “shalom”! And if someone says “shalom” to you – say “shalom” back! Someone who doesn’t respond in kind with “shalom” is called a thief.
He says “shalom,” say back “shalom u’vracha.” He says “Shabbat shalom” respond with “Shabbat shalom u’mevorach.” Always make sure to increase the blessing. Why not? The Gemara says that Jews must also say “shalom” to non-Jews.
You Need a Place to Hold the Blessings
The Gemara also says that the best vessel, the best container, that G-d found to contain blessing – is peace! This is THE VESSEL. If you want to receive something, you have to have some way to hold it. The way to hold blessings, abundance, both spiritual and physical – is peace.
This is why every single blessing ends with shalom. Sim shalom at the end of the Amida. At the end of the Blessings after a Meal. Hashem should bless us with peace!
Make sure to pray this blessing with intention at the end of every Shemonei Esrei. Have in mind:
Sim Shalom – Put Peace. That Hashem should give everyone in our community the character trait of peace to its perfection. That everyone should be running after peace! Our community meaning – in my city, my neighborhood, my shul, my Yeshiva, etc.
Chaim – Life. Everyone of us should strengthen our ourselves and each other in emuna, because life is emuna.
Bracha – Blessing. Now that we have built a vessel by having peace, Hashem should send us blessings to fill it.
Chen – Grace. That we should all find grace in each other’s eyes.
Chesed – Kindness. That we should all do kindness for each other and be good to everyone – even to those who hurt us.
Rachamim – Mercy. That we should have mercy on everyone, even if the other person doesn’t deserve it.
Aleinu – For Us. Again, have in mind your group, your synagogue, your city.
V’al kol Yisrael – and for all the Jewish people. For all the Jewish people not in your area.
Pray for the Jewish People
Do you need something? You need to have somewhere to put those blessings that you need! Create a vessel to hold that blessing with peace! It’s simple – start every prayer with “I love every Jew.” Pray for the Jewish people to have that thing that you also want, and watch how Hashem does miracles for you.
Pray for the Jewish people! Pray for the world! Just like I want this thing, I want everyone to have this thing! Just like I have this problem and I suffer from it, so too I want that everyone who has this problem and is suffering, that You should take away their suffering! I don’t want anyone else to suffer this!” Pray for other people first!
You need to find your soulmate? Say, “I love everyone! I want everyone to find their soulmate!” and then pray to find your soulmate. Right away you’ll see a salvation – you’ll see it with your own eyes.
You’re sick? Everyone should be healthy, but say, “I love everyone! I want everyone to be healthy. Please Hashem, have mercy on the Jewish people, have mercy on the world, and heal everyone with a complete healing of body and soul.”
What if you are plagued with problems with someone, and you are suffering because of them. Say, “I love everyone! Please G-d, help everyone who is suffering with problems like this…” and talk about your difficulties. You’ll see just how Hashem will accept your prayers also for yourself.
We need to be very strong to love everyone, and want every good for everyone. This is always something we have to work on, but especially right now with everything that we are going through. This must be our goal!
So many people are just not managing right now with the current situation. But everyone who will work on themselves to love everyone, to make peace their top priority, and follow my advice in general and will work on themselves, will be able to stand in all of these tests. Certainly someone who strengthens themselves in emuna, and prays, and does personal prayer – this period of time will be very nice and sweet for them.
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