The Slogan of the Redemption
Rabbi Arush continues the theme of "I Love Everyone" as a means of bringing the Redemption in a merciful way. Weak emuna, not other people, is the problem!

Rabbi Arush continues with his teaching of I Love Everyone.
Someone just asked me right now, how is it possible to love her mother-in-law? This mother-in-law has caused her so much pain. But really this is a lack of emuna. Every person needs to live with the emuna that no one can help you or harm you, if it is not the decree of G-d. A person must live with this emuna that there is nothing besides G-d, ein od milvado.
You think that someone else hurt you? No one hurt you! Hashem did it to you for some good reason that you don’t understand right now. The Creator of the World loves you and watches over you.
It’s hard for you? Say, “Master of the World, everything is in your hands! Have pity on me! Give me emuna!”
People come to me with problems with marital harmony (shalom bayit). Someone told me that his wife does this and that. I told him, “As long as you think that this is all your wife’s doing, you are living in a lie. You lack emuna, and that is why you are not solving any of your problems [because you are not working on the correct problem at all, since you think your wife is the problem].”
The moment that you start to live with the emuna that everything is really Hashem, then you will naturally want to love everyone! And even if you don’t yet love everyone, this will now be your mission. Your job is to keep yourself part of the “I love everyone!” group because this is the group of Mashiach. Your job is to constantly remember that The Most Important Thing is Peace because this is what will create a big, strong container for you to hold all the blessings that G-d is sending you.
The truth is that we really, really need the Redemption! Every person is facing very difficult situations. Every person! He has this, she has that, and the next one has the other. We all see this on ourselves and the people we know, that we need the Redemption!
Everyone in Israel must be full of gratitude for how Hashem is guarding us. The merit of the land itself is shielding us, as well as the merit of all the tzaddikim buried in the land. The Yeshivot and the Torah learning here is also guarding us. It is incomprehensible! In contrast to other countries, it is miraculous what is happening here! This is clearly special protection from Above! Something absolutely incredible!
Therefore, enough with the hatred. There is no “ultra-orthodox,” there is no “national religious,” no “Mizrachi,” and no “secular.” We are Jews! We love every Jew! And we pray that each and every Jew should come closer to the truth, and live a life of truth. A life of emuna. Talk to Hashem about this every day in your personal prayer!
Enough with the racism and divisions! There is no “Caucasian” and “Black” or “Asian” or whatever. We are all human beings. Jewish law requires of each and every one of us to treat each other with respect and dignity, regardless of religion or other divisions.
We love everyone! How can you say that he is like this, and the other is like that. What is going on? So the poor guy is far from Hashem, but is that his fault? We all go through difficulties and we don’t always pass every test. Have pity! Is it his fault? Is he intrinsically bad? No! We are all good and we all have a holy soul.
We have to judge every person favorably! The same way that we judge ourselves and see all of the mitigating circumstances, so too we have to look for mitigating circumstances in others. This is what it means to “love our fellow like ourselves.”
The Gemara teaches “Gadol hu hashalom – Great is peace.” Peace is so powerful that even if people are worshiping idols (false gods) but there is peace between them, no one can hurt them. That means that if we have peace, no tragedy can befall the Jewish people! This rule is true for the Jewish people, and it is also true for the world.
Rabbi Yose Haglili says: “So great is peace that when the King Mashiach is revealed, he will open only with shalom as it is written, “How pleasant on the mountains are the footsteps that herald and announce peace.” Even the name of Mashiach is called “Shalom” as it says “an eternal father, the prince of peace.”
The nation of Israel is called “shalom,” Mashiach is called “shalom”, and one of the names of G-d is also “Shalom.”
All of the commandments of the Torah say “ki” – when it will happen to you. When a poor person asks for charity, you must open your hand. When the donkey falls, you must help with its load. When some opportunity to do a mitzvah comes your way, do it. But on the commandment to have peace, the Torah doesn’t say ki. The Torah says, “Search for peace and run after it!” There is no other commandment that you have to run after!
The Gemara speaks so much about “how great is peace.” We must learn from this that peace is more important than anything! Let go of everything you have. The most important thing is to live in peace with everyone! Let go of your honor, let go of everything! Even if he hates you – he’s pitiful, he has no understanding, still love him back. He didn’t do anything to you – Hashem did everything to you!
Hashem has enabled me to teach a lot about emuna, thanking Hashem, doing the Law of Thank You and personal prayer. However, the hammer that we need to put in the final nail on the Redemption is “I love everyone.” This is the only thing that will move us to the next stage. Getting more and more people to join this group is the hammer that will finally bring the Redemption. Everything else is ready – the only thing we lack is shalom!
Work on this with all of your strength! You have to decide that this is it – “I love everyone – the most important thing is peace” no matter what! Join this group and stay in it! As Moshe Rabbeinu said, “Mi L’Hashem alai!” Everyone who is with G-d – with me!
And not just you – tell everyone about it! Get as many other people to join this group as possible as well! Every one of you has to become my messenger.
The slogan is: “I Love Everyone! The Most Important Thing is Peace!” This is the slogan of the Final Redemption!
Next, learn how to Pray for Others First and see with your own eyes how Hashem will also answer you!
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