Articles on "9th of Av (Tisha B’Av)"

The Root of Our Suffering

The root cause of Tisha B’Av still haunts us today, and not just during the Three Weeks! Am Yisrael, individually and collectively, is going through tremendous suffering – why? And what can each of us do to end our suffering once and for all? 

The Toothpick Salvation

Shabbat Chazon: Isaiah the Prophet told us that the root of all our problems is that we don’t pay attention to Hashem’s loving-kindness and thank Him. Even a simple toothpick can be a messenger of Hashem's loving kindness.

Tisha B’Av, Why?

Living emuna demands that we change our vision and start believing that Hashem actively guides us from moment to moment in every aspect of our lives...

Why Another Tisha B’Av?

Hashem leads us down the path that we choose for ourselves. If we made more of an effort to discover the joy of Judaism, maybe we'd rejoice on Tisha B'av...

An End to Harsh Decrees

It is impossible to fathom the number of salvations that could be brought about for the Jewish people if we were to indeed respond ‘Amen, Yehei Shmei Rabba…

Darkness, Then Dawn

With Tisha B'Av, don't ever lose hope; with emuna, your period of darkness will be followed by a wonderful illumination. The darkness actually leads to the light...

Tale of a House Mouse

One's lack of concern for another human being's difficulty in life is liable to be a boomerang; the uncaring person might find himself in the same situation...

Emuna, To Repair the World

Things around us look really scary, but Moshiach doesn't necessarily have to come after a nightmarish push-button war; there's a better way to bring the Geula...