Shavuot, Ruth, and Mashiach
How can we look forward to the Messianic Era without knowing what it entails? We therefore read Megillat Ruth on Shavuot, which tells about the initial seeds of Moshiach...
How can we look forward to the Messianic Era without knowing what it entails? We therefore read Megillat Ruth on Shavuot, which tells about the initial seeds of Moshiach...
The Talmud teaches us that the souls of the future righteous converts were actually there, with us at Mount Sinai, and received the Torah together with us.
The greatest act of love is doing one's utmost to please the one you love with no ulterior motive other than pleasing your beloved...
Who are we talking about - Mick Jagger or King David? A stone gets kicked and rolls from place to place. King David wrote in Psalms, “The stone that the builders disdained has become the cornerstone." We all have a place in Torah, regardless of our origins and circumstances.