"New Year (Rosh Hashanah)" in Articles

A Sentence Full of Love

Rosh Hashanah – Day of Judgment. Who doesn’t anticipate the holiday with trepidation and dread? Rabbi Arush gives us a completely different way to look at our judgment – as a day when Hashem decides how to best bless us! A MUST READ before Rosh Hashanah!! 

The Days Where Anything Can Happen

Rosh Hashanah  is more than our day in court. This is the day God writes the Book on our lives for the coming year. After His decision is sealed, our year is written. The boundaries of our lives are set in stone for the next 11 months. But during these precious days, Hashem makes anything possible.

Teshuvah for Everyone

As Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Judgment, comes closer, we need a lot of encouragement to steady the course of teshuvah and continue forward. A MUST READ from Rabbi Arush. 

Inspire Others!

What gift can we give to our King, Hashem, when everything is His?  When we strengthen the emuna in anothers soul to make him an appropriate vessel to accept Hashem's sovereignty, this is considered truly a gift for Hashem.

New Year (Rosh Hashanah) In Tv