"New Year (Rosh Hashanah)" in Articles

Inspire Others!

What gift can we give to our King, Hashem, when everything is His?  When we strengthen the emuna in anothers soul to make him an appropriate vessel to accept Hashem's sovereignty, this is considered truly a gift for Hashem.

You Are Important!

Your prayers and your teshuva are precious to our Father in heaven! Yes, YOURS!! Do not think that you are “too far gone” to be able to turn your life around, or that your teshuva would not be accepted. Read the Kalever Rebbe’s inspirational encouragement... 

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

Teshuva is not just for Rosh Hashanah! Rebbe Nachman emphasizes daily hitbodedut (personal prayer) because one's entire teshuva depends on self-examination. Following the tzaddik and being connected to him means doing daily hitbodedut and teshuva. 

A Year Full of Joy

Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Judgment. In one moment, our fate for the next year is decided. Rabbi Arush explains how can one be happy on such a serious occasion.

New Year (Rosh Hashanah) In Tv