"emuna" in Articles

The Assassination Attempt – Chance or Design

The recent assassination attempt of Mr. Trump has prompted most people to blame outside forces such as poor security, radical elements, or bad luck. The Kalever Rebbe explains how even the success or failure of such an attempt is purely Divine Providence.

Seeds of Faith

The rapid growth of a sunflower from a tiny seed to a 10-foot-tall plant showcases the miraculous power of Hashem. Despite the overwhelming influence of money, power, and media, nature reveals Who is truly in control.

Who Wants Mashiach?

We all want Mashiach! But what is the “Mashiach” that we’re praying for – someone to solve our personal problems and make life wonderful? Rabbi Arush gives clear guidance on what the Mashiach is really coming to do, and how we can hasten that day. A MUST READ!

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