"baseless hatred (sinat chinam)" in Articles

From Pain to Purpose: My Radical Transformation

When something happens in our life that renders us vulnerable and helpless, we are most likely to look deeply inside ourselves and make fundamental changes. This change is our own personal Exodus. Read David’s recent experience after a car accident. Don’t wait until you’re 50 to break free! 

We Must Unite!

Rabbanim tell us that they are seeing a wave of teshuvah never seen before. What is the surest sign that our teshuvah is sincere? When there is unity amongst ourselves! 

The Mission of Every Jew

Since October 7, there hasn’t been a specific hero who turned the tide of the warThousands of acts performed by hundreds of thousands of soldiers are moving us, inch by inch, to victory. Every Jew (yes, YOU!) is a warrior in this spiritual battle. 

baseless hatred (sinat chinam) In Tv