Contact Us
Chut shel Chesed Offices - Phone Numbers and Addresses
Editor of the English Website
Rachel Avrahami
Advice and Donations
Israel: 02-532-3339 Ext. 2
Whatsapp: +972523868452
Whatsapp (messages only): +972-52-896-4141
Director of Social Media and Relations
Yael Tzarum
WhatsApp: +972529532762
To Distribute Books & CDs in Bulk
Freida: +972-52-224-0696
Breslev Israel Offices
56 Shivtei Yisrael
Jerusalem, Israel
Sun-Thu 10AM – 10PM
Yeshiva & Kollel “Chut shel Chessed”
Shmuel Hanavi 13, Jerusalem
Talmud Torah – “Shalom Banayich”
Shivtei Yisrael 56, Jerusalem
To invite the Rabbi for classes and events in Israel:
Please call: +972-52-895-2031
To order/collect Tzedaka boxes:
Phone: +972-52-895-2031
Thank you to Hashem Yitbarach and our Rebbe, Nachman of Breslev, for giving us the strength and assistance needed, and the wisdom and knowledge to build this website.
May it be the will of G-D, that we merit spreading Torah and knowledge through peace and happiness and love of Hashem throughout the world, from now till the end of our days, Amen.
“Sound the great shofar for our freedom, raise the banner to gather our exiles and gather us together from the four corners of the earth.”