"Noahide (bnei Noach)" in Articles

Defeat Hamas Now! 

We are in a war of good vs evil, light vs darkness. Every day, we see Hashem's miracles for His people in His land.  All our prayers, mitzvot, Torah learning, charity, and kindness count. There is no such thing as "small"!

A Noahide Chanukah Diary

“I printed up instructions for how to light the candles, where to place them. We celebrated with an awkward tension. How do we do this? We have no cultural references.”

Seven Mitzvot of Bnei Noach

When God saved Noach and his family from the flood, He gave mankind the sign of the rainbow and seven mitzvot. These mitzvot are referred to as the "Sheva Mitzvot Bnei Noach," or the Noahide commandments. [Includes video of Chief Rabbi Lau blessing Bnei Noach community.]

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