
Featured Causes

Remembrance of Machatzit HaShekel (Half Shekel)

Remembrance of Machatzit HaShekel (Half Shekel)

  The commandment of the Machatzit HaShekel appears in the Torah (Shemot 30: 11-15) and was kept during the Holy Temple period. In our times, it has become a custom and a mitzvah with a wonderful reward for everyone who keeps it.     Rabbi Chaim Palagi writes about it and promises: “Everyone who gives … Continue reading "Donations"

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Kimcha D’Piskha – Flour for Passover

Kimcha D’Piskha – Flour for Passover

Jewish law requires us to be concerned about the welfare of the poor, and especially before Passover, when the many holiday expenditures make life even more difficult for an already struggling family. The Gemara promises that when we make the holidays joyous for others, Hashem makes our holidays joyous for us. Many modest, humble, and … Continue reading "Donations"

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Chut shel Chessed Institutions

The Kollel

The Chut Shel Chessed Kollel caters to married students. Over 300 married men – ranging from beginners to ordained rabbis on their way to becoming Rabbinical Judges (Dayanim) – are currently studying in our Kollel. In addition to an intensive full-day program, most of our students participate in evening outreach programs, demonstrating the beauty of … Continue reading "Donations"

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The Talmud Torah

The Chut Shel Chessed Talmud Torah services over 200 children between the ages of 3 to 10. In addition to small classes and individual attention, the children receive a hot lunch. The school boasts top teachers and caring staff.   Over 10% of the students come from single-parent families. The school, under Rabbi Arush’s guidance, … Continue reading "Donations"

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The Chut Shel Chessed Yeshiva

The Chut Shel Chessed Yeshiva is an intensive study program designed to create dedicated and knowledgeable Jewish men. Searching men of all ages are drawn to the yeshiva’s unique atmosphere, combining love and joy with rigorous study and self-growth. Since the overwhelming majority of our students are from secular backgrounds, the classes are geared for … Continue reading "Donations"

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A Day of Learning

Prayers are recited by the Yeshivah students as well as the young Talmud-Torah students. They pray for everything one needs, from healing the sick to livelihood, repentance, and fertility. It has been taught by our Sages that the prayers of the young hold a special validity, even more so than that of adults. Sponsor a … Continue reading "Donations"

One time donation

Remembrance of Machatzit HaShekel (Half Shekel)

  The commandment of the Machatzit HaShekel appears in the Torah (Shemot 30: 11-15) and was kept during the Holy Temple period. In our times, it has become a custom and a mitzvah with a wonderful reward for everyone who keeps it.     Rabbi Chaim Palagi writes about it and promises: “Everyone who gives … Continue reading "Donations"

One time donation

Segula for Protection

This is a special “segula for protection” that we give as a token of gratitude to the valued supporters of Rabbi Shalom Arush’s Chut shel Chesed Institutions.     This manuscript was originally written by the Rabbi himself, and its pocket-sized replica is delivered to all those who have the merit of supporting Torah learning and … Continue reading "Donations"

12 monthly payments of 60 $

In total: 720 $

Support Our Soldiers!

Join Us in Strengthening the IDF Soldiers! We need your help in supporting our soldiers who are on the front lines, protecting and guarding the Jewish people. Your donation to Rabbi Shalom Arush’s “Shalom to the Soldiers” initiative makes a direct impact by providing spiritual and practical support to our brave men and women in … Continue reading "Donations"

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Distribute Emuna

Chut Shel Chessed and Breslev Israel ignites Jewish souls throughout the world!   Hebrew Website – One of most popular Hebrew language websites on the internet, we provide a glimpse into the beauty of Judaism to over 1,500,000 Jews per year. Israelis in such far-away places as China, Uruguay, Iran, and Thailand, to name just … Continue reading "Donations"

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Food Baskets for Shabbat

More than 600 food baskets are distributed monthly to needy families in Jerusalem. The daily baskets contain two loaves of bread, two liters of milk and several containers of cheese, which are distributed to families in financial distress. Shabbat baskets, containing chicken, fish, fruit and vegetables, cooking basics like flour, sugar and oil, and wine … Continue reading "Donations"

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Assistance to Orphans and Widows

Chut Shel Chessed Institutions provides financial assistance. Rabbi Arush is personally responsible for their welfare, and therefore full discretion is guaranteed. Rabbi Arush is freely available to provide these broken souls with spiritual and emotional support, in addition to substantial financial assistance.   The children require extra help and support as well. We provide them … Continue reading "Donations"

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Community Activities

Chut Shel Chessed is not just a center of Jewish studies; it is a warm and supportive community. Every Shabbat, the entire community of approximately 300 people, together with dozens of guests, joins together to celebrate the holy day. The heartfelt singing (Breslev style), sincere prayers and Torah lessons combined with a basic Kiddush and … Continue reading "Donations"

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Memorial Candle

Forever lit in the holy Yeshiva of Chut Shel Chessed, in memory of the deceased, including prayer, Kaddish and Torah (Mishnayot) learning on the day of the memorial day. The name of your loved one will go on a special plaque on the main wall of the Yeshiva.   Rabbi Arush prays daily for everyone … Continue reading "Donations"

12 monthly payments of 98 $

In total: 1,176 $

Festive Meal in Memory of the Deceased

Includes, prayer, Kadish and Torah (Mishnayot) learning on the memorial day.   Rabbi Arush prays daily for everyone who supports Chut shel Chessed and spreads emuna on a monthly basis multiple times a day, including in his personal prayers, every time he recites the Blessing after Meals, and more. Rabbi Arush has spoken multiple times … Continue reading "Donations"

2 monthly payments of 83 $

In total: 166 $

Kimcha D’Piskha – Flour for Passover

Jewish law requires us to be concerned about the welfare of the poor, and especially before Passover, when the many holiday expenditures make life even more difficult for an already struggling family. The Gemara promises that when we make the holidays joyous for others, Hashem makes our holidays joyous for us. Many modest, humble, and … Continue reading "Donations"

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Pidyon Nefesh by Rabbi Shalom Arush

Pidyon Nefesh is a very special and powerful prayer and blessing that has the spiritual strength of a sacrifice in the Holy Temple to atone for sin and to mitigate severe judgments. The bigger and more pious the tzaddik, the more effective the “pidyon”, which literally means “redemption”, where one’s money is literally a sacrifice for one’s … Continue reading "Donations"

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Spiritual Iron Swords for IDF Soldiers

A few years ago, Rabbi Arush, who was a combat soldier in an elite airborne rescue unit, established the “Shalom to the Soldier” unit at Chut shel Chessed. This unit’s job is to outfit our heroic soldiers who give themselves for the sanctity of Hashem and the defense of the Holy Land. The outfit that … Continue reading "Donations"

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Wartime Community Needs

Chut shel Chessed urgently needs funding for increased security for the schools and community, as well as school books and supplies for displaced children!   The People of Israel, especially those in Eretz Yisrael, are facing unique difficulties during the Simchat Torah War.     Jews in many towns and kibbutzim in the south have been … Continue reading "Donations"

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Support Our Soldiers!

Join Us in Strengthening the IDF Soldiers! We need your help in supporting our soldiers who are on the front lines, protecting and guarding the Jewish people. Your donation to Rabbi Shalom Arush’s “Shalom to the Soldiers” initiative makes a direct impact by providing spiritual and practical support to our brave men and women in … Continue reading "Donations"

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Judaica Products

The Cup of Salvations

This cup contains the names of all 64 sacred Rivers of Paradise. This was a hidden remedy discovered by the great Rabbis and scholars, the Rasha”sh and Rabbi Yosef Taitatzak, zt”l, 300 years ago.   There is a great issue in drinking from a Kiddush cup containing the names of the Rivers of Paradise. The … Continue reading "Donations"

12 monthly payments of 65 $

In total: 780 $

Eternal Light Oil Lamp

The “Ner Tamid” Eternal Light is a unique lamp that holds a large candle made of hydrogenated olive oil. Attractively designed, the Eternal Light oil lamp comes in either gold or silver color (sorry, no ability to choose preferred color).  The light can be hung on the wall or placed on a flat surface.  Size: … Continue reading "Donations"

12 monthly payments of 40 $

In total: 480 $

The Key to Livelihood

This gorgeous gold-plated key to livelihood is centered in a beautiful frame on a white background.   The key is surrounded with the blessings for shalom bayit (peace in the home), mazal (good fortune), zivug hagoon (suitable soulmate), refuah shleimah (complete health), shefa parnasah (abundant income), and hatzlachah (success).   This donation also entitles you … Continue reading "Donations"

12 monthly payments of 40 $

In total: 480 $


Silver Membership

Strengthen your own emuna while getting the merit of spreading emuna around the world, plus Rabbi Arush’s blessing for income, success and a solution to all your problems!   Silver members receive a beautiful, framed Breslev Israel membership certificate and one of Rabbi Arush’s English books when you sign up.   In addition, for the … Continue reading "Donations"

12 monthly payments of 33 $

In total: 396 $

Gold Membership

Strengthen your own emuna while getting the merit of spreading emuna around the world, plus Rabbi Arush’s blessing for income, success and a solution to all your problems!   Gold members receive a beautiful, framed Breslev Israel membership certificate and 5 of Rabbi Arush English books when you sign up. You also receive 40 days of prayer … Continue reading "Donations"

12 monthly payments of 93 $

In total: 1,116 $

Platinum Membership

Strengthen your own emuna while getting the merit of spreading emuna around the world, plus Rabbi Arush’s blessing for income, success and a solution to all your problems!   Rabbi Arush prays daily for everyone who supports Chut shel Chessed and spreading emuna on a monthly basis multiple times a day, including in his personal … Continue reading "Donations"

12 monthly payments of 139 $

In total: 1,668 $