Featured Causes

Remembrance of Machatzit HaShekel (Half Shekel)
The commandment of the Machatzit HaShekel appears in the Torah (Shemot 30: 11-15) and was kept during the Holy Temple period. In our times, it has become a custom and a mitzvah with a wonderful reward for everyone who keeps it. Rabbi Chaim Palagi writes about it and promises: “Everyone who gives … Continue reading "Donations"
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Kimcha D’Piskha – Flour for Passover
Jewish law requires us to be concerned about the welfare of the poor, and especially before Passover, when the many holiday expenditures make life even more difficult for an already struggling family. The Gemara promises that when we make the holidays joyous for others, Hashem makes our holidays joyous for us. Many modest, humble, and … Continue reading "Donations"
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