Silver Membership
Strengthen your own emuna while getting the merit of spreading emuna around the world, plus Rabbi Arush’s blessing for income, success and a solution to all your problems!
Silver members receive a beautiful, framed Breslev Israel membership certificate and one of Rabbi Arush’s English books when you sign up.
In addition, for the duration of your membership (minimum one year commitment) you receive a 5% discount on all purchases in the online store when placed by telephone or email, and any newly released books or CDs are sent to you for free during the year.
To donate through a representative in our Jerusalem offices, contact donations@breslev.co.il, WhatsApp +972523868452, or call 1-917-722-7795.
Rabbi Shalom Arush, Shlita, blesses everyone who supports Emuna Outreach. Add your name to our list that goes out to Rav Arush on a weekly basis!
After your online contribution is processed, a receipt will be generated and sent to the email address that we have on file for you. Be sure to send the receipt to donations@breslev.co.il along with your prayer request and your name (first and middle name and mother’s first and middle name) so that it can be added to Rav Arush’s prayer list.