
Support Our Soldiers!

Join Us in Strengthening the IDF Soldiers!
We need your help in supporting our soldiers who are on the front lines, protecting and guarding the Jewish people. Your donation to Rabbi Shalom Arush’s “Shalom to the Soldiers” initiative makes a direct impact by providing spiritual and practical support to our brave men and women in uniform.

About “Shalom to the Soldiers”
“Shalom to the Soldiers” sends dedicated students, many of whom have served in the IDF themselves, to IDF bases and gathering centers. These volunteers, with security clearance, bring essential items and spiritual support to uplift the morale of our soldiers:
  • Spiritual Guidance: Providing Book of Psalms, Tikkun HaKlali, mini Likutei Moharan, Rabbi Arush’s books & booklets, and other spiritual texts to strengthen their faith and resolve.
  • Practical Comforts: Offering coffee, cakes, BBQ,  and refreshments to boost their spirits before they head out to serve.

Your Donation Makes a Difference
Your generous contribution enables us to continue this vital mission of supporting our soldiers spiritually and emotionally. Together, we can ensure they feel valued and encouraged as they face the challenges of their duty.

How You Can Help
Please consider making a donation today through our secure link here. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a meaningful impact.
Upon making your donation, kindly send us your full name via WhatsApp.
Rabbi Shalom Arush will include you in his prayers, thanking you for your support and asking for continued blessings for you and your loved ones.

Together, We Support Our Soldiers!
Thank you for standing with us in solidarity with the IDF soldiers. Your support is a beacon of hope and strength in their service to our nation.