Or Avigdor Mesillas Yesharim – A New Translation – Vol 4

This book is fourth volume on the mussar classic Mesillas Yesharim in the Ohr Avigdor series.


The Ohr Avigdor commentary reveals deep insights into the text and its relevance to modern life. No doubt the allur of the series stems in part from the practicality of Rabbi Miller’s insights and the familiar examples he presents. An Ohr Avigdor sefer is meant to be lived, not merely read.


This sefer is embellished with an array of supplementary readings collected from Rabbi Avigdor Miller lectures and sefarim.


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SKU: 36-5115
description of book This book is fourth volume on the mussar classic Mesillas Yesharim in the Ohr Avigdor series.   The Ohr Avigdor commentary reveals deep insights into the text and its relevance to modern life. No doubt the allur of the series stems in part from the practicality of Rabbi Miller’s insights and the familiar examples he presents. An Ohr Avigdor sefer is meant to be lived, not merely read.   This sefer is embellished with an array of supplementary readings collected from Rabbi Avigdor Miller lectures and sefarim. Hardcover.

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