Night Flower

Author: Esther Rapaport

It’s a lonely and frightening existence for Chaiky Struk, with her husband far away, incarcerated in Russia due to a set-up by the Mafia. The niggling knowledge that the whole terrible saga could have been prevented makes the blow even harsher, especially for a woman as meticulously organized, responsible, and efficient as herself.

Just as Chaiky feels that her life cannot become any worse, it does, in the form of a new co-worker named Noa who, from the outset, seems intent on putting Chaiky down. Then, into this roiling cauldron, steps Rachel, a young, seemingly guileless teenager in need of a home. Despite her parents’ bad experience with Anna, the girl they’d invited to live in their home, Chaiky decides to take Rachel in as a boarder. Never does she dream of the vast, life-changing impact this move will have, on both herself and her family… 

Hardcover, 480 pages

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SKU: 56-1911
description of book Author: Esther Rapaport It’s a lonely and frightening existence for Chaiky Struk, with her husband far away, incarcerated in Russia due to a set-up by the Mafia. The niggling knowledge that the whole terrible saga could have been prevented makes the blow even harsher, especially for a woman as meticulously organized, responsible, and efficient as herself. Just as Chaiky feels that her life cannot become any worse, it does, in the form of a new co-worker named Noa who, from the outset, seems intent on putting Chaiky down. Then, into this roiling cauldron, steps Rachel, a young, seemingly guileless teenager in need of a home. Despite her parents’ bad experience with Anna, the girl they’d invited to live in their home, Chaiky decides to take Rachel in as a boarder. Never does she dream of the vast, life-changing impact this move will have, on both herself and her family…  Hardcover, 480 pages

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