Likutey Moharan – the One Million Edition Hardcover

The holy book of Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, which is a segula for health and healing, success, wealth, and shmira (protection) of all kinds – including accidents, fires, missiles and terrorist attacks.

A must have for every home, car, office, and classroom. Put it next to or above the bedside of a sick patient. Put it next to the bed of a birthing woman as a segula for an easy labor. Breslev custom is to have a copy of Likutei Moharan in every room of the house, and especially in the children’s rooms for the protection of the child.

The foundational book of Breslev Chassidim. Rebbe Nachman taught that its publication marked the beginning of the Geula (Redemption), and that learning Likutei Moharan, even without understanding it, helps the neshama, just like learning the Holy Zohar. Rabbi Arush teaches that every single home should have a copy, and with every copy brought into another home, the Redemption is hastened! Hence the Campaign to bring one million copies into homes around the world, and bring the Redemption with mercy!

This edition includes a number of introductions that explain the importance of the book and much more. Includes both Liktuei Moharan I and II (Addition). Softcover, cream with gold. Published by Rabbi Arush’s organization Chut shel Chessed Institutions. HEBREW.

For more information about the book, its meaning, and stories, including why Rabbi Arush wants every home to own a copy – click here.

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SKU: 7-4253
description of book The holy book of Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, which is a segula for health and healing, success, wealth, and shmira (protection) of all kinds – including accidents, fires, missiles and terrorist attacks. A must have for every home, car, office, and classroom. Put it next to or above the bedside of a sick patient. Put it next to the bed of a birthing woman as a segula for an easy labor. Breslev custom is to have a copy of Likutei Moharan in every room of the house, and especially in the children’s rooms for the protection of the child. The foundational book of Breslev Chassidim. Rebbe Nachman taught that its publication marked the beginning of the Geula (Redemption), and that learning Likutei Moharan, even without understanding it, helps the neshama, just like learning the Holy Zohar. Rabbi Arush teaches that every single home should have a copy, and with every copy brought into another home, the Redemption is hastened! Hence the Campaign to bring one million copies into homes around the world, and bring the Redemption with mercy! This edition includes a number of introductions that explain the importance of the book and much more. Includes both Liktuei Moharan I and II (Addition). Softcover, cream with gold. Published by Rabbi Arush’s organization Chut shel Chessed Institutions. HEBREW. For more information about the book, its meaning, and stories, including why Rabbi Arush wants every home to own a copy – click here.

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  • editor: Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
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