Fight for Emuna, Part 2

2 min

Posted on 18.12.23

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We must fight for our emuna every single day! Rabbi Shalom Arush teaches us an important foundation of emuna!

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1. Breslev Israel Staff (Yehudit)



We didn’t forget – I’ll circle back with IT again and see if they can bump up the priority of this fix.

2. Breslev Israel Staff (Yehudit)


Shalom Dr. Horn,
Thank you for your feedback!
There is a short description of the video’s content under each video. Our software limits us as to how much text we can include there.

3. Dr.Doris Horn


Schalom, ich lese sehr gerne Ihre interessanten Berichte u. speichere mir besonders Wichtige aus Zeitgründen im PC ab !
Leider werden in letzter Zeit zuviele Videos gezeigt, die ich gar nicht oder selten komplett anschauen kann. Gut wäre eine im Text gefaßte Zusammenfassung…. 😉

4. Martin haber


I am messaging you again about the fact that when I view the videos by Rabbi Arush the English words that are displayed sometimes go by so fast there’s no time to fully read them

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