Tzaddik gives a vital and intimate picture of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810). It is the most important source book we have about the life of this outstanding sage, mystic, leader, and teacher, by the one who knew him best, his closest pupil, Rabbi Nathan. A faithful translation of biographical information, anecdotes, sayings and conversations, and even dreams and visions. This edition includes numerous additional passages from manuscript sources never before published even in Hebrew.
Rabbi Nachman is famed and beloved for his simple teachings about faith, optimism, joy, down-to-earth advice, and his exquisite stories. Yet, seen at such close range in the pages of Tzaddik, the picture that emerges is of one who, while being a man of flesh and blood, lived on an entirely different plane from other people. Throughout all of Jewish history a small number of leaders stand on their own as men of awesome stature, whose mission was universal. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov was such a Tzaddik.
Translated by Avraham Greenbaum. Edited by Moshe Mykoff.
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SKU: 1-1035E
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Tzaddik gives a vital and intimate picture of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810). It is the most important source book we have about the life of this outstanding sage, mystic, leader, and teacher, by the one who knew him best, his closest pupil, Rabbi Nathan. A faithful translation of biographical information, anecdotes, sayings and conversations, and even dreams and visions. This edition includes numerous additional passages from manuscript sources never before published even in Hebrew.
Rabbi Nachman is famed and beloved for his simple teachings about faith, optimism, joy, down-to-earth advice, and his exquisite stories. Yet, seen at such close range in the pages of Tzaddik, the picture that emerges is of one who, while being a man of flesh and blood, lived on an entirely different plane from other people. Throughout all of Jewish history a small number of leaders stand on their own as men of awesome stature, whose mission was universal. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov was such a Tzaddik.
Translated by Avraham Greenbaum. Edited by Moshe Mykoff.
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