Achieving spiritual growth from Elul through Sukkos
The period from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Sukkot is a time to rekindle one’s relationship with Hashem through avodah and teshuvah. To Return and Rekindle will give readers the chizuk, motivation and ideas needed to not only come back to Hashem but also to continuously reach new heights of avodah and awareness of Him.
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SKU: 56-4221
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Achieving spiritual growth from Elul through Sukkos
The period from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Sukkot is a time to rekindle one’s relationship with Hashem through avodah and teshuvah. To Return and Rekindle will give readers the chizuk, motivation and ideas needed to not only come back to Hashem but also to continuously reach new heights of avodah and awareness of Him.
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