The Tree Beyond Space – Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (in Spanish).
The Tree Beyond Space – Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (in Spanish).
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
Forthousandsofyears,Jewish traditionwasa closely guarded secret,withitsdeep,hidden and strangeparadoxes,ideasand allusions.However,withthearrivalof theBaalShemTovandthe birthof theChassidicmovement,themistsofsecrecybegan to lift.
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SKU: 44-1502
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For thousands of years, Jewish tradition was a closely guarded secret, with its deep, hidden and strange paradoxes, ideas and allusions. However, with the arrival of the Baal Shem Tov and the birth of the Chassidic movement, the mists of secrecy began to lift.
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