“The Garden of Peace” is a book by the famous rabbi Shalom Arush about how to live in peace with yourself, your wife, and with God. The book is intended for men only.
The purpose of this book is to teach a real, dignified life. Our loyalty to the Almighty is called the "Covenant of Peace." And we learn to keep the covenant holy, by the bonds of filial love connecting every Jew with the Most High.
"Thanks to the study of this book, the Almighty will grant you long and happy years, the joy of life, genuine family happiness, a good income without unnecessary trouble, righteous and virtuous children." (Rav Shalom Arush)
Excerpts from the book:
It is written in the Holy Zohar that the main test of man in this world is the confrontation of passion for fornication. At the same time, we know that the main thing is faith. It turns out that one depends on the other. Adultery occurs because of the eyes, therefore, turning away from sin, you can gain perfect faith. Man knows that the world has a Master, and he himself is the same creation as other beings for whom the world was created. Therefore, he avoids looking at what does not belong to him, for it is not proper to do covet a created being. And he who raises his eyes is called arrogant, because he thinks that the master of the world is himself and everything belongs to him. Therefore, he looks and desires women as if they belong to him. Rabbi Nachman writes that because of this, one's heart dies.
King David, peace be upon him, uses the word “always” several times, and all these expressions are related to each other. One of them: “And I am always with you,” speaks of union with the Lord; in another: “My eyes are always to the Lord” – about the purity of sight. One is connected with the other, because in order to be rewarded with being with the Creator constantly, you must first close your eyes. And vice versa, to protect one’s eyes – in a spiritual sense – is possible only through unity with the Almighty, because it may happen that a person physically closes his eyes, but wanders with the eyes of his mind, that is, his thoughts, imagining a whole world of passions. Therefore, only when his thought, that is, his inner gaze, is turned to the Lord, can we say that he takes care of his eyes. Then he observes the words in the third verse: “I always represent the Lord before me …
Order the book "Garden of Peace” now and find the tools for a happy life, free from anxieties, fears, and lust!
Paperback, 407 pp.
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SKU: 426-1097
description of book
“The Garden of Peace” is a book by the famous rabbi Shalom Arush about how to live in peace with yourself, your wife, and with God. The book is intended for men only.
The purpose of this book is to teach a real, dignified life. Our loyalty to the Almighty is called the "Covenant of Peace." And we learn to keep the covenant holy, by the bonds of filial love connecting every Jew with the Most High.
"Thanks to the study of this book, the Almighty will grant you long and happy years, the joy of life, genuine family happiness, a good income without unnecessary trouble, righteous and virtuous children." (Rav Shalom Arush)
Excerpts from the book:
It is written in the Holy Zohar that the main test of man in this world is the confrontation of passion for fornication. At the same time, we know that the main thing is faith. It turns out that one depends on the other. Adultery occurs because of the eyes, therefore, turning away from sin, you can gain perfect faith. Man knows that the world has a Master, and he himself is the same creation as other beings for whom the world was created. Therefore, he avoids looking at what does not belong to him, for it is not proper to do covet a created being. And he who raises his eyes is called arrogant, because he thinks that the master of the world is himself and everything belongs to him. Therefore, he looks and desires women as if they belong to him. Rabbi Nachman writes that because of this, one's heart dies.
King David, peace be upon him, uses the word “always” several times, and all these expressions are related to each other. One of them: “And I am always with you,” speaks of union with the Lord; in another: “My eyes are always to the Lord” – about the purity of sight. One is connected with the other, because in order to be rewarded with being with the Creator constantly, you must first close your eyes. And vice versa, to protect one’s eyes – in a spiritual sense – is possible only through unity with the Almighty, because it may happen that a person physically closes his eyes, but wanders with the eyes of his mind, that is, his thoughts, imagining a whole world of passions. Therefore, only when his thought, that is, his inner gaze, is turned to the Lord, can we say that he takes care of his eyes. Then he observes the words in the third verse: “I always represent the Lord before me …
Order the book "Garden of Peace” now and find the tools for a happy life, free from anxieties, fears, and lust!
Paperback, 407 pp.
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