The Garden of Education – Education with Love (Russian)

This book is a manual for raising children with emuna, love, and patience while establishing clear boundaries, encouraging good habits, and teaching self-discipline. The reader will find methods to correct the most difficult problems in child education – not with fads or instant remedies- but by strengthening the parent. In fact, this book is more of a soul-correction manual for the parent than it is for the child. By fixing a parent's bad habit or negtive character trait, their child is automatically uplifted.

Successfully educating children certainly doesn't depend on theories or graduate degrees. The first and most important element of child education is parental education. A parent must understand that his primary task on earth is to rectify himself. As such, whatever a parent sees askew in his child is meant to arouse him to begin a process of self-evaluation and soul searching, because the child is the mirror of the parent.


A MUST READ for parents and to-be parents!

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SKU: 426-1040
description of book This book is a manual for raising children with emuna, love, and patience while establishing clear boundaries, encouraging good habits, and teaching self-discipline. The reader will find methods to correct the most difficult problems in child education – not with fads or instant remedies- but by strengthening the parent. In fact, this book is more of a soul-correction manual for the parent than it is for the child. By fixing a parent's bad habit or negtive character trait, their child is automatically uplifted. Successfully educating children certainly doesn't depend on theories or graduate degrees. The first and most important element of child education is parental education. A parent must understand that his primary task on earth is to rectify himself. As such, whatever a parent sees askew in his child is meant to arouse him to begin a process of self-evaluation and soul searching, because the child is the mirror of the parent.   A MUST READ for parents and to-be parents!

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