The Book of Mitzvos

The Book of Mitzvos

This is the first volume in an unprecedented multi-volume English elucidation of a 700 year old classic. Sefer HaChinuch has been a staple in Torah scholarship and the subject of many commentaries over the centuries. Sefer HaChinuch is a compendium of the 613 commandments. It lists them, suggests underlying purposes or "roots," of each commandment, and provides a brief summary of the major laws.

Artscroll. Hardcover, 476 pages.

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SKU: 56-1612
description of book The Book of Mitzvos This is the first volume in an unprecedented multi-volume English elucidation of a 700 year old classic. Sefer HaChinuch has been a staple in Torah scholarship and the subject of many commentaries over the centuries. Sefer HaChinuch is a compendium of the 613 commandments. It lists them, suggests underlying purposes or "roots," of each commandment, and provides a brief summary of the major laws. Artscroll. Hardcover, 476 pages.

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