Siddur “Lev Shalom” with Commentary from Rabbi Shalom Arush – Brown
Siddur "Lev Shalom" – Nusach Eidut HaMizrach
A full weekday, Shabbat and holiday siddur with Rabbi Arush's amazing commentary on the Shemonei Esrei, morning blessings, and many other prayers.
Includes notes, kavanot (intentions) to have while praying, and customs of Rabbi Arush. Also includes special prayers from Rabbi Arush, including his prayer before saying Asher Yatzar, a prayer before taking medicine or any medical treatment, prayers before going to sleep, and many more.
Also includes the Tikkun Klali (10 Psalms of the General Remedy as revealed by Rebbe Nachman zt"l), selections from Likutei Tefillot from Rebbe Natan of Breslev, Brit Milah, Pidyon Haben, and much more.
Even for the Ashkenaz community, well worth it just for the additional prayers and commentary!
Beautiful brown-red with gold writing. Hardcover, 746 pages. Hebrew only.
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