Nesivos Olam – Nesiv HaTorah

An Appreciation of Torah Study

In his writings, the Maharal freely draws upon diverse aspects of Torah knowledge. The reader who concentrates on the unified thread of his presentation, as it traverses the Torah’s broad landscape to deftly establish a point, is afforded a rare glimpse at the potency of an all-encompassing mastery of Torah such as was possessed by the Maharal.

In Nesiv HaTorah, the first section of the Maharal’s classic work, Nesivos Olam, the Maharal, culling numerous sources in the Talmud and Midrash, deals with the profound relationship between the Jewish nation and the Torah, and elucidates the transcendental underpinnings of this relationship, as well as the obligations it imposes on each and every one of us as Jews.

Eliakim Willner has produced a translation that is remarkable in its accuracy and breathtaking in its felicity and beauty. It captures the self-portrait of Torah that the Maharal painted in his Nesiv HaTorah.

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SKU: 56-1317
description of book An Appreciation of Torah Study In his writings, the Maharal freely draws upon diverse aspects of Torah knowledge. The reader who concentrates on the unified thread of his presentation, as it traverses the Torah’s broad landscape to deftly establish a point, is afforded a rare glimpse at the potency of an all-encompassing mastery of Torah such as was possessed by the Maharal. In Nesiv HaTorah, the first section of the Maharal’s classic work, Nesivos Olam, the Maharal, culling numerous sources in the Talmud and Midrash, deals with the profound relationship between the Jewish nation and the Torah, and elucidates the transcendental underpinnings of this relationship, as well as the obligations it imposes on each and every one of us as Jews. Eliakim Willner has produced a translation that is remarkable in its accuracy and breathtaking in its felicity and beauty. It captures the self-portrait of Torah that the Maharal painted in his Nesiv HaTorah.

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  • Number of pages: 391
  • Cover type: Hardcover
  • editor: Eliakim Willner