MiTziyur Dvash (“Honey from the Rock”)

New lights on the Torah portions through the art and creativity of the artist, Yehoshua Wiseman

The concept of a rock giving honey suggest that we shall receive nourishment from sources that we never thought could “bear fruit”. When we realize that G-d’s power is endless, then we will understand that every aspect of creations is a well-spring waiting to be discovered. This book is an attempt to extract some of the honey which the Creator, Blessed be He, wants us to taste from the wondrous Torah portions.

Each weekly sidra is illuminated by the uniquely creative paintings and thoughtful insights to arouse the viewer/reader to experience the well-springs of the Torah n a new and exciting way.

Expand your understanding of the Torah and stimulate your imagination to see the Torah in a way that you have never seen before!

Beautiful! A wonderful gift!

Hard cover. 

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SKU: 36-5223
description of book New lights on the Torah portions through the art and creativity of the artist, Yehoshua Wiseman The concept of a rock giving honey suggest that we shall receive nourishment from sources that we never thought could “bear fruit”. When we realize that G-d’s power is endless, then we will understand that every aspect of creations is a well-spring waiting to be discovered. This book is an attempt to extract some of the honey which the Creator, Blessed be He, wants us to taste from the wondrous Torah portions. Each weekly sidra is illuminated by the uniquely creative paintings and thoughtful insights to arouse the viewer/reader to experience the well-springs of the Torah n a new and exciting way. Expand your understanding of the Torah and stimulate your imagination to see the Torah in a way that you have never seen before! Beautiful! A wonderful gift! Hard cover. 

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About the Author

Yehoshua Wiseman

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  • Number of pages: 75
  • Cover type: Hardcover
  • editor: Yehoshua Wiseman