Light out of Darkness: Surviving the ‘End of Days’
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Light out of Darkness: Surviving the ‘End of Days’
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Light out of Darkness: Surviving the End of Days
This book provides proof from the prophecies that we are indeed living in the era described by Jewish tradition as the "End of Days". What can we expect? How can we successfully survive this difficult period in history? The answers to these questions and much more in this absolutely enthralling book!
By Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, Joel Gallis, Robert Haralick, and Dr. Robert Wolf. Hardcover, 101 pages.
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SKU: 56-1218
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Light out of Darkness: Surviving the End of Days
This book provides proof from the prophecies that we are indeed living in the era described by Jewish tradition as the "End of Days". What can we expect? How can we successfully survive this difficult period in history? The answers to these questions and much more in this absolutely enthralling book!
By Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, Joel Gallis, Robert Haralick, and Dr. Robert Wolf. Hardcover, 101 pages.
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