Jealousy and Bitterness Essence

How do you turn pain and suffering into understanding? Jealousy into constructive acceptance?


New! A unique formula for spiritual development by Dr. Gila Gavrielov, PhD in Behavioral Science and Gemology, a specialist in diagnosis and healting with crystals.


This unique essence is designed to improve your ability of turning pain and suffering into understanding and suspicion and jealousy into constructive acceptance. Best of all, it helps you increase your joyfulness! 


Please note: Dr. Gila Gavrielov's tinctures are totally free of chemicals and side effects. The tinctures are based on the frequency emitted by the Hoshen stones and are meant to help you heal naturally through an extraordinary method based on healing via fluctuating energy. The tinctures help to alleviate or eliminate unwanted behaviors, perceptions and qualities such as fearfulness, uncertainty, lack of self confidence, anger, jealousy, disturbances, imbalances, post traumatic stress disorder and more while helping you bring out your good qualities in the best way possible.


Everyone feels and reacts to the energies emitted by gemstones thanks to their crystal structure that transmits very concentrated and clear frequencies. Every stone, according to its particular mineral content, emanates its own unique and potent energy.


Price is per unit.


Certified kosher by Rav Landau shlit"a.


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SKU: tam-envy
description of book How do you turn pain and suffering into understanding? Jealousy into constructive acceptance?   New! A unique formula for spiritual development by Dr. Gila Gavrielov, PhD in Behavioral Science and Gemology, a specialist in diagnosis and healting with crystals.   This unique essence is designed to improve your ability of turning pain and suffering into understanding and suspicion and jealousy into constructive acceptance. Best of all, it helps you increase your joyfulness!    Please note: Dr. Gila Gavrielov's tinctures are totally free of chemicals and side effects. The tinctures are based on the frequency emitted by the Hoshen stones and are meant to help you heal naturally through an extraordinary method based on healing via fluctuating energy. The tinctures help to alleviate or eliminate unwanted behaviors, perceptions and qualities such as fearfulness, uncertainty, lack of self confidence, anger, jealousy, disturbances, imbalances, post traumatic stress disorder and more while helping you bring out your good qualities in the best way possible.   Everyone feels and reacts to the energies emitted by gemstones thanks to their crystal structure that transmits very concentrated and clear frequencies. Every stone, according to its particular mineral content, emanates its own unique and potent energy.   Price is per unit.   Certified kosher by Rav Landau shlit"a.  

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