“It follows that the clear knowledge that Hashem loves me is not only the foundation of all faith, nor is it only the foundation for mental health, self-confidence, and faith in yourself. Rather, the belief that God loves me is the foundation of all salvation and redemption!”
A special collection of stories, teachings and other “gems” from Rav Shalom Arush, in English. Includes the Tikkun HaKlali.
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SKU: 56-4486
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A fascinating booklet that will change your life!
“It follows that the clear knowledge that Hashem loves me is not only the foundation of all faith, nor is it only the foundation for mental health, self-confidence, and faith in yourself. Rather, the belief that God loves me is the foundation of all salvation and redemption!”
A special collection of stories, teachings and other “gems” from Rav Shalom Arush, in English. Includes the Tikkun HaKlali.
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