Practical Halachos of Chatzitzah

Concerning Mikvah Immersion, N’tilas Yodayim, Wearing Tefillin, and Immersing Utensils

The halachos of chatzitzah are of practical importance for every Jew. This book discusses the various situations when Jewish law requires that there be no interposition between two things, because such a separation would interfere with fulfilling the mitzvah. 

MIKVAH: An informative chapter on chatzitzos that may invalidate mikvah immersion.

N’TILAS YODAYIM: In addition to a comprehensive explanation of the halachos of n’tilas yodayim, this section details circumstances that would be problematic or constitute a chatzitzah when ritually washing one’s hands.

WEARING TEFILLIN: This chapter enumerates specific items that could create a barrier.

TOIVELING KAYLIM: Purification of vessels and utensils through mikvah immersion has its own unique concerns.

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SKU: 56-2209
description of book Concerning Mikvah Immersion, N’tilas Yodayim, Wearing Tefillin, and Immersing Utensils The halachos of chatzitzah are of practical importance for every Jew. This book discusses the various situations when Jewish law requires that there be no interposition between two things, because such a separation would interfere with fulfilling the mitzvah.  MIKVAH: An informative chapter on chatzitzos that may invalidate mikvah immersion. N’TILAS YODAYIM: In addition to a comprehensive explanation of the halachos of n’tilas yodayim, this section details circumstances that would be problematic or constitute a chatzitzah when ritually washing one’s hands. WEARING TEFILLIN: This chapter enumerates specific items that could create a barrier. TOIVELING KAYLIM: Purification of vessels and utensils through mikvah immersion has its own unique concerns.

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  • Number of pages: 186
  • Cover type: Hardcover
  • editor: Rabbi Yisroel Pinchos Bodner