As Jews, we attempt to clarify our traditions from those who came before us in Torah study as well as our sages’ commentaries.
This volume is divided into three sections. The first is a series of stories on teshuva.The second revolves around the Jewish home and enhancing interpersonal relationships. The third section expounds upon raising children who are emotionally and spiritually healthy.
Beyond helpful! Don’t miss out – order now!
By Rabbi Itamar Schwartz
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SKU: 56-7890
description of book
As Jews, we attempt to clarify our traditions from those who came before us in Torah study as well as our sages’ commentaries.
This volume is divided into three sections. The first is a series of stories on teshuva.The second revolves around the Jewish home and enhancing interpersonal relationships. The third section expounds upon raising children who are emotionally and spiritually healthy.
Beyond helpful! Don’t miss out – order now!
By Rabbi Itamar Schwartz
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