“We called this book The Garden of Wisdom, because Rabbi Nachman says that the highest wisdom is to avoid wisdom. The story presented here should teach us true wisdom: to be simple, honest, avoid evil, tremble before God and fulfill His commandments with the word and business." (Rav Shalom Arush)
If a person approaches the Creator with joy and emuna, every moment trying to understand what the Almighty wants from him, he will be able to fulfill his destiny and reach unprecedented heights …
The book is written in a clear and engaging way. The author shows in simple and easy language deep and practical things that neither the ancient philosophers nor the modern "gurus" have explained to us.
Order now and find the keys to joy!
Softcover, 322 pages
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SKU: 425-1055
description of book
“We called this book The Garden of Wisdom, because Rabbi Nachman says that the highest wisdom is to avoid wisdom. The story presented here should teach us true wisdom: to be simple, honest, avoid evil, tremble before God and fulfill His commandments with the word and business." (Rav Shalom Arush)
If a person approaches the Creator with joy and emuna, every moment trying to understand what the Almighty wants from him, he will be able to fulfill his destiny and reach unprecedented heights …
The book is written in a clear and engaging way. The author shows in simple and easy language deep and practical things that neither the ancient philosophers nor the modern "gurus" have explained to us.
Order now and find the keys to joy!
Softcover, 322 pages
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