Divrei Yaakov: Insights, Reflections and Divrei Torah from the Book of Exodus

Divrei Yaakov: Insights, Reflections and Divrei Torah from the Book of Exodus

This book is not merely a commentary on the weekly Torah portion; rather, it sets forward a philosophy of Judaism for the individual in his interpersonal relations. Rabbi Tauber further grapples with issues such as relating to the Holocaust, Zionism, and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.

By Rabbi Jack Tauber. Hardcover, 395 pages.

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SKU: 56-1219
description of book Divrei Yaakov: Insights, Reflections and Divrei Torah from the Book of Exodus This book is not merely a commentary on the weekly Torah portion; rather, it sets forward a philosophy of Judaism for the individual in his interpersonal relations. Rabbi Tauber further grapples with issues such as relating to the Holocaust, Zionism, and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. By Rabbi Jack Tauber. Hardcover, 395 pages.

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Rabbi Jack Tauber

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  • editor: Rabbi Jack Tauber