The Classic Defense of Rabbinic Judaism through the Profundity of the Aggadah
In the Maharal’s time, scoffers raised many of the same issues that are raised today, such as “The Sages read their own meanings into the Torah!” etc. The Maharal responds to all the charges with brilliance and depth, and Rabbi Adlerstein presents the Maharal’s thoughts in today’s terms with modern examples, but with perfect fidelity to the ideas of the master.
By the Maharal of Prague, translation and commentary by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein.
An incredible read! Order Now!
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SKU: 56-1278
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The Classic Defense of Rabbinic Judaism through the Profundity of the Aggadah
In the Maharal’s time, scoffers raised many of the same issues that are raised today, such as “The Sages read their own meanings into the Torah!” etc. The Maharal responds to all the charges with brilliance and depth, and Rabbi Adlerstein presents the Maharal’s thoughts in today’s terms with modern examples, but with perfect fidelity to the ideas of the master.
By the Maharal of Prague, translation and commentary by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein.
An incredible read! Order Now!
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