The Life and Impact of R’ Yaakov Yosef Herman, a Torah Pioneer in America
A heartwarming best-seller returns, better than ever! Revised and newly designed, with additional material added by the author, this unique biography continues to inspire readers with the amazing story of R’ Yaakov Yosef Herman zt”l.
With affection, humor, and awe, his daughter Ruchoma Shain tells the story of her father’s strength and determination to uphold the Torah as he revolutionized Jewish life in the early 1900’s New York. From those years to the final decades in Jerusalem, R’ Yaakov Yosef Herman was known for his love and uncompromising devotion to Hashem and to his fellow Jews – to living a life “all for the Boss.”
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SKU: 56-1817
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The Life and Impact of R’ Yaakov Yosef Herman, a Torah Pioneer in America
A heartwarming best-seller returns, better than ever! Revised and newly designed, with additional material added by the author, this unique biography continues to inspire readers with the amazing story of R’ Yaakov Yosef Herman zt”l.
With affection, humor, and awe, his daughter Ruchoma Shain tells the story of her father’s strength and determination to uphold the Torah as he revolutionized Jewish life in the early 1900’s New York. From those years to the final decades in Jerusalem, R’ Yaakov Yosef Herman was known for his love and uncompromising devotion to Hashem and to his fellow Jews – to living a life “all for the Boss.”
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