Kinder Mitzvah Game – משחק רפואה שלימה – מצווה קינדר

Kinder Mitzvah toys present a warm and loving family atmosphere that children can identify with and relate to.

Children will enjoy hours of Jewish imagination and never-ending fun with the Refuah Shleimah (May you have complete health) kit  while learning to help others, and show good character traits at all times!

The Refuah Shleimah kit is a gift that every child will be happy with.

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SKU: 777-433
description of book Kinder Mitzvah toys present a warm and loving family atmosphere that children can identify with and relate to. Children will enjoy hours of Jewish imagination and never-ending fun with the Refuah Shleimah (May you have complete health) kit  while learning to help others, and show good character traits at all times! The Refuah Shleimah kit is a gift that every child will be happy with.

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