אוצר אישי התנ”ך (Personal Treasure of Tenach) – Hebrew

The book Otzar Yishi HaTanach is a useful encyclopedia that presents all the personalities mentioned in the Bible and in Talmudic and Midrashic literature, arranged in alphabetical order. Within each entry, information is also arranged according to topics.

Indeed, we find in the Talmudic literature interesting details about the life history of the people of previous generations whose names are mentioned in the Bible, details that the Sages took from the Scriptures, and details that they received in the tradition from man to man.

However, these details are scattered throughout our extensive literature, separated and divided into parts and pieces! We cannot understand a person and his life until we have gathered all the many details into one place and have organized them properly. I set this as my goal as I approached the difficult task of collecting all of the ancestral material invested in the two Talmuds and in the many small Midrashim with the large ones and arranging it as G-d’s good hand directed me.” [from the Introduction by Rabbi Chassidah]

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description of book The book Otzar Yishi HaTanach is a useful encyclopedia that presents all the personalities mentioned in the Bible and in Talmudic and Midrashic literature, arranged in alphabetical order. Within each entry, information is also arranged according to topics. “Indeed, we find in the Talmudic literature interesting details about the life history of the people of previous generations whose names are mentioned in the Bible, details that the Sages took from the Scriptures, and details that they received in the tradition from man to man. However, these details are scattered throughout our extensive literature, separated and divided into parts and pieces! We cannot understand a person and his life until we have gathered all the many details into one place and have organized them properly. I set this as my goal as I approached the difficult task of collecting all of the ancestral material invested in the two Talmuds and in the many small Midrashim with the large ones and arranging it as G-d’s good hand directed me.” [from the Introduction by Rabbi Chassidah]

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  • Number of pages: 399
  • Cover type: Hardcover
  • editor: Rabbi Yisrael Yitzchak (Yeshi) Chassidah